Louie Manning's profile

DVB102 Wk3 #oneperday2022

#oneperday2022 Week 3: Comic Strip
In week 2, I drew a panel a day in a comic strip telling a story from my time at school. In my story, I flunked a German language test and was sent to detention for the first time in my secondary school life, but I didn't really care, since I knew I could do the work. I just didn't want to because I woud be leaving in a few weeks to live in Australia. I did want to prove to the teacher that I wasn't the usual student she would send to detention. The night before I was set to retake the exam I studied until late, and shocked the teacher when I returned the test with full marks. I really enjoyed drawing in this cartoon-y style with pen, as it's something I used to do often in the margins of textbooks etc. I am happiest with the 3rd panel, because it ended up exactly as I wanted it to. It perfectly depicts the chaos of my desk and I believe that without context a viewer could still tell you that it showed a boy studying/doing homework late at night. In this panel I used hatching and cross-hatching to show the light from the computer screen casting shadows behind the mess of books and the arms of the boy. One thing I would've liked to do better in the whole strip is to perfect the caricature of my teacher, I merged a few ideas of how to draw her and she looks a bit odd. I think this week was also a good excercise in drawing iconography, a skill that I often use as a designer when note-taking to better visualise my ideas. 
DVB102 Wk3 #oneperday2022

DVB102 Wk3 #oneperday2022


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