Yana Chernetska's profile

Visual metaphors "rebel girl"

Every ordinary object from our surroundings can tell an interesting and unexpected story, capable of conveying human emotions and experiences
The skill of seeing different meanings in objects and phenomena is necessary for the profession of a designer

A rebel girl is a type of strange, impulsive individual which is impossible not to notice.
Therefore, red lipstick became the ideal object for a comprehensive and convincing visual story about her

So here are 27 visual metaphors that describe a rebel with bright red lipstick

 "knows how to surprise"                                                                                                                  "troubles happen to her"
 "meetings with her are never without consequences"                                                                                "draws attention"
"lives to the fullest"                                                                                                                                                   "tactless"

 Thank you!
Visual metaphors "rebel girl"


Visual metaphors "rebel girl"
