Skin Hunger
Skin hunger has become a recognizable phenomenon for many and brings with it palpable consequences. Through the skin, a thin border between ourselves and the outside world we experience warmth, texture, pressure, but also the intention of a touch. 

With HUIDHONGER, Lola Ilegems investigates how wearable technology can soothe skin hunger in times of social distancing. The wearables add another layer to tactile sensation by adding an auditory dimension. The garments convert touch into sound. The wearables externalize intimacy. They invite users to share a tactile sensation. 

HUIDHONGER focuses on those who suffer from a touch deficit. Think of people with dementia or people with a physical or mental disability. They regularly experience a lack of touch. Based on contact improvisations, they explore the wearables. New, intuitive ways of touch emerge that culminate in movement. Touch has the function of connecting them.




Creative Fields