Jacob Wray's profile


This project allowed us to view the beauty and individuality of typefaces by choosing a letter or numeral from six different typefaces and acknowledging their characteristics that might otherwise pass us by. We arranged these into compositions that highlighted the different typeface's unique aspects.
Bauer Bodoni is a classic and elegant font. It provides a timeless feel, but does not feel unattractive or out-dated. Looks like an old book you would find on the coffee table.
Stempel Garamond is a beautiful typeface that has some rough and raw edges, but feels classic and approachable. The intense serifs make it enjoyable to look at, and it has a royal feeling.
Rockwell is fun and intriguing. There is an element of childlikeness that is attractive and is not boring to look at.
An eye-catching piece of art that captures the gaze.
Futura is classic and strong. It shows a strength that is easy for people to recognize, but is not too overwhelming that it is off-putting. A great balance between strength and readability.
Helvetica is constant and classic. The familiarity of it may bore some, while others can recognize the power and beauty that comes with something being so consistent.
Platelet is dynamic and intriguing. it has a spirit of joy and creates interesting visual imagery for the viewer. It is not too playful in a way that is immature, but it shows a fun and engaging perspective.




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