Lean Agile Culture
A program to develop Lean Agile culture adoption at
A Canadian communications & media company wanted a program to help employees adopt agile work methods within their organisation. From a design perspective, the program needed to align with the companies corporate identity. The theme of the program needed to express collaboration and diversity, as well as being bright and colourful to align with the look and feel of the brand.
To solve this, I sourced program imagery that illustrates collaboration amongst diverse groups of people, treated with a vibrant finish to make the colours stand out. I cropped the images into path guide banners to match the functionality of the program requested by the client. The grey overlay allows for copy to be legible on the path guide image.
Chat Space Graphics
To make the leaning journey more stimulation for the user, I implemented a number of visuals to break the copy. These visuals varied from stills for interactive widgets and animated chat space banners that introduce new sections, to colourful infographics.
Interactive Widgets
Part of the learning experience a set of interactive widgets that explained the companies core values. I sourced imagery inline with their values and the program look and feel. This was then treated with the brand colours, and implemented to the program. 
Animated Chat Space Section Banners
I designed a set of section banners for the chat space in order to prompt the user to take action (share an insight, fill in a poll, etc.)
Animated Chat Space Infographics
The client requested infographics to elaborate on certain concepts and functions within the business. I decided to animate the design to create more energy in the program, and a gripping experience for the end user. 
Category Section Banners
I created animated section banners for the chat space that explained to the user all of the different activity types they would go through in the program. 
Animated Chat Space Quotes 
Client: Top Canadian communications & media company
Brief: Lean Agile Culture | A program to develop Lean Agile culture adoption at
The End 
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Lean Agile Culture