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Qualitative UX research feedback implementation

"All user research methods can be divided into quantitative and qualitative methods. In quantitative methods, the researcher measures user behavior in a way that can be quantified, evaluated according to “how many, how often, or how much” questions. Quantitative research can simplify the decision-making process. For example, using results from A/B testing, you can say which version of a landing page works better in terms of conversion.

Qualitative research focuses on the quality or meaning of an end-user’s experience. Qualitative UX research methods collect an in-depth understanding of individual users. In essence, they are focused on understanding the nature of human experience.

Qualitative UX research methods:
Qualitative methods are focused on analyzing individual user experience. One thing that many qualitative research methods have in common is that they use a conversation with test participants as a primary tool for getting insights about user behavior."

Methods used in this research:

1. Interviews. 
A researcher meets with study participants one-on-one to discuss topics around a product.

2. Focus groups.
 Focus groups are groups of three to 10 participants that gather together in one room to discuss a specific topic (or set of topics). Focus groups are led by a researcher who is present during the session to lead the conversation.

3. Moderated usability testing. 
During usability testing, participants are given tasks to complete, and the moderator tracks the participants’ progress. Moderators observe user interactions with a product and can dig deeper into points of interest.

About the product:
INSXCloud is your marketplace for on-exchange ACA health plans and off-exchange ancillary coverage such as dental, vision, accident and short-term medical options. INSXCloud has assisted agents, agencies and issuers with the quoting and enrollment process for individuals and families choosing Affordable Care Act and ancillary health coverage since the Federal Marketplace opened in 2014.

Research to design implementation:
In this text, I translated everything from the presentation and videos into a UI design dictionary, i.e. which elements to use for solutions (tooltips, icons, sticky elements, paragraphs, etc.). Everything is divided into Problem-Solution sections and each can further be a separate Jira ticket.

* Most were unsure what to expect.
* Some were unsure where they were within the site or became lost.
Make introduction paragraphs on certain pages to explain the context of that page in simple plain terms.

Error Message Location: Some were not immediately able to identify error messages and tried to continue to the next page without understanding the issue.
* Use a pop-up window to show and explain the error and how to fix (if possible in real time).
* Use form-field validations in real time (on hitting enter), with explanation how to fix.
* Use Error pop-up window triggered by Submit CTA in case anything is missed.
* Use explanation for some fields (For example password or email format instruction).
* Use asterisk to mark mandatory fields.
!Important: do not use tooltips for this cause they need to be used to explain the context of the Input field label)

Content Meaning: There were issues with content understandability (form fields, filter meanings, eligibility notice, Off Exchange button, etc.).
* Use tooltips to explain the context of the Input field labels, filters, etc.
* Create a glossary page.

Security and Trust: Concerns regarding security and trust in the site (SSN, download forms, using the site overall).
Use secure pay and card icons to emphasise.

Discoverability: Some had issues locating / using features (identifying entry fields / horizontal rule, plan filters, Edit, lower cart, need for persistent compare header).
* Make a colour distinction between info-delivering UI elements, and the elements to interact with (CTAs, input fields).
* Use pen icon next to ‘Edit’ label.

Some required information repeating.
Create account (Register and Login pages).

Guidance through the flow.
Introduce Steps (With contextual explanation of each) and approximate time estimate to fill in the form with possible documentation needed in the process (SSN number for example).

’It is out of order income should come first then eligibility then plans offered then details of the plans.’
‘It is out of order income first then what is possible based on your income and age.’
Reorder these sections.

Discoverability of Get help, and shopping Cart.
Use always visible clickable sticky icon with pop-up side window for more content.

Qualitative UX research feedback implementation

Qualitative UX research feedback implementation


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