Brunch is an anonymous forum where people can collectively vote and share their thoughts on meals. 
Why Brunch?
Brunch was created so that college students could recommend meals and menu items to each other. It aims to provide a place where communication with others is made simple and effective.
Users are able to view and share Brunches with others, as well as vote on whether or not they disagree with a certain Brunch. Each Brunch displays its vote score, name, thoughts, and its date of creation.
Submitting new Brunches
Anyone can create a new account and start submitting new brunches right away by clicking on the "Submit Brunch" link, which is always listed before the newest Brunch.
Once they have done so, they can give the Brunch a name and express any thoughts that they may have. 

Brunches only require a name—whether you choose to share your thoughts is completely optional. 

Be warned, however; once a brunch is created, it cannot be deleted.
Creating Brunch
Brunch uses a standard combination of various coding languages, including PHP and SQL. It takes inspiration from social media websites such as Reddit while retaining the anonymity of Yik Yak.

Brunch was coded in under 4 hours for a Hackathon project, with a mockup image created in preparation.
Initially, Brunch planned to feature multiple community hubs that a user could subscribe to and receive updates from on their home page. Users would also be able to view their Brunch submissions and have their own profile page.

However, these ideas were out-of-scope for a 4-hour prototype and were cut in order to preserve time and focus on the main functionality of the website.
The appearance of the website was also modeled with a dark theme and minimalistic design in mind, befitting to current design trends. The dark theme was later changed to a brighter two-tone colour scheme aiming to give users the feel of drinking a fresh cup of coffee in the afternoon.

During the first hour of the Hackathon, a simple index page was created, followed by basic CSS styling and an empty SQL database. User accounts were developed next, with the intention of allowing people to subscribe to different hubs.

PHP creates a session to store the user's login within the browser, and a JS script handles updating the page with new Brunches and calling certain PHP requests. This took two hours to fully develop.

The final hour was devoted to bugfixes and creating the voting system.

In summary, Brunch uses .php webpages with HTML. CSS is used to stylise the pages and Javascript fetches PHP requests to the server. Storage of user accounts and Brunches is handled through a MySQL database and phpMyAdmin.
About Me
As a college student, I am often faced with the dilemma of finding a place to eat and deciding on what I want to eat. Not only that, but conflicting opinions from my fellow students made it difficult to gauge the quality of food at certain places, especially on Yik Yak. I would oftentimes read about how good/bad the food was at the dining hall, but I felt that their voices could reach more people if they had the resources to do so.

Hence, the idea of Brunch was born. I used my knowledge from Web Development class and several YouTube videos to create the website using Visual Studio Code and ran it off of my laptop through XAMPP, and Paint.NET allowed me to quickly create a suitable logo.

Developing Brunch and participating in my first Hackathon was a great experience, and this project was a great way for me share some creativity and fuel my love for coding.

