The Master Key

Made with scripts inspired by stories created by children from 4 to 12 years old for the project "A Chave" of the Methodist University of Piracicaba: UNIMEP- Brazil.

Illustrator: Mariane R Cândido
Production Designer: Lilian Bison

History of the child

One day a beautiful key was walking and then she saw a door she
approached and said:
- What is inside that door?
And she took one look and said:
-Oh my God!
And behind the door was her friend who was robbed and the thieves had
hidden him inside, but the key caught him and they ran away and the thieves never
more found.
And the friend said:
-Key thank you so much for finding me I couldn't stand being stuck here anymore!
And they returned home very happy.
And now, even happier, because the key and the boy have become great friends.


It is really fun to animate during the creation process, including the sketches, and not only at the final stage. You can see the illustration becoming alive while you draw with the Photoshop.

The Master Key


The Master Key
