While hand block printing is practiced all over India, the craftsman of Ujjain specialised in the carving of brass blocks which are used fer ouiline printing (Rekh), The more popular wooden blocks are also in production, made from seasoned teak wood. Block printing by hand is the earliest, simplest, but also slowest methods of textile printing, which is capable of yielding intricate, detailed prints which may be unachievable through other methods.Block printing has enjoyed popularity since tha mulga rule and it continues to do so undiminished. Special blocks are carved to be used en specific parts ofthe garment such as collars and cuffs giving an interesting edge to the garment. Hand block printing is one craft technique tat has not waned in its popularity but has evolved with changing trend in the apparel industry adding many facets to itself.
All hand-drawn elements of characters, animals,
flowers and inscriptions I arranged into a seamless
Block Print


Block Print
