Marina Fernández De La Rosa's profile

Interactive transmedia storytelling

My role: research, interactive experience, web development, UI, prototyping, and design of the interactions
1. What we wanted to narrate
Around 600 million people will still live in extreme poverty by 2030. 120 million additional people are living in poverty now as a result of the Covid pandemic. 
After researching, we understood that people need to see the instant result of their actions, and more when we are talking about altruistically helping others. That's why we came up with Cloudland, to make poverty a real and tangible problem. 

Because of this, in Cloudland we use dreams as a metaphor. Since people treat poverty as if it is just a dream without real-life consequences. People are disconnected. We need cooperation and empathy to fight poverty.
2. Construction of the world
Cloudland is the story of a dream world supervised by Clouders that must keep the order of dreams by following a set of rules. Each clouder is in charge of 5 dreamers.
Baba, a clouder, screws up and as a consequence, his 5 dreamers’ worlds that used to be individual are now in a common space. 
This space can be filled and changed by characters’ memories and imagination. 
For each of the characters, we made a deep description developing mainly the OCEAN traits (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) character wheel (Internal and External world), their values and goals with the lifetime goals and the story goal. Moreover, we design the relationship between the characters. 
Each character will tell the story in a different social media and from their personal point of view.
3. Interactive narrative architecture
Individual journey: 
- The story unfolds through events, one event per week, for 8 weeks.
- Each event contains a different number of posts, which will be published during the week.
- Every week there will be a riddle, these riddles are the characters asking for help
- Getting these riddles right will give access to the "Archive".
3.1 User journey
The interactive experience
Interactive transmedia storytelling

Interactive transmedia storytelling
