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Best activities to do for Honeymoon in Uganda

Best activities to do for Honeymoon in Uganda
Best activities to do for Honeymoon in Uganda
It is remarkable and special to choose to spend your honeymoon in Uganda at some of the amazing locations the nation has to offer. Beautiful wild areas can be found in Uganda that will tickle your soul and relieve the stress of planning a wedding. You need to spend some private time with your spouse away from the bustling city sounds, where only the birds and wild voices can be heard.
In Uganda, couples can go on wild game drives, see dazzling water views, go on primate walks, see local communities, and much more. You can decide what to do and where to stay so that you never forget your fantastic experience in Africa on your wedding anniversary.
In Uganda, national wildlife parks in particular, make up the majority of honeymoon locations. Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Lake Mburo National Park, Kibale National Park, Kidepo Valley National Park, and many others are among the Ugandan wildlife parks ideal for a honeymoon.
Gorilla Trekking On Honeymoon
 It is lovely to go for gorilla trekking while on a honeymoon in Africa, a destination that is high on most travelers' bucket lists. To ensure that you are both scheduled in the same location, you must reserve your gorilla trekking permits in advance. Uganda's top gorilla trekking destination is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, followed by Mgahinga National Park a permit to trek gorillas in Uganda presently costs $700 per trekker. Prior to confirming the gorilla permit, you must check for availability because all permits are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. To avoid having to travel far to get to the briefing, book accommodations near or within the gorilla trekking region. Make sure you also have the appropriate gorilla trekking equipment, as the jungle needs some unique clothing.
Chimpanzee Trekking On Honeymoon
On a honeymoon, it's wonderful to visit the chimpanzees, man's closest living cousins. Because chimpanzees share 98% of our DNA, we can infer that they behave similarly to us. You both need a permit to go chimpanzee trekking, although the cost varies depending on where you go.
Chimpanzee trekking permits in Kibale National Park cost $200 per person; those in Kyambura Gorge cost $50; and those in Kaniyo Pabidi cost $20 each. Chimpanzees have been saved by Ngamba Chimpanzee Sanctuary from situations such as captivity, and poaching.

Boat cruise on Honeymoon in Uganda
Since the majority of the water bodies in Uganda are freshwater bodies that provide a chilly breeze, love and water go together like peanut butter and jelly. The largest lake in Uganda is Lake Victoria, and for your honeymoon in Uganda, reserving a sunset cruise with some snacks is ideal. Couples can take part in activities on the banks including cleaning fish nets at landing spots, admiring the lush foliage and beaches that line the banks.
A highlight of the honeymoon is the two launches to either Queen Elizabeth National Park or Murchison Falls National Park. Public and exclusive boat rides are available at both parks.
A boat ride to Murchison Falls takes you down the Nile while you pass numerous enormous Nile crocodiles, hippos in groups, other riverine wildlife that descends to the water to satisfy their thirst, a variety of water birds, and much more. The drama at Murchison Falls is incredible because you can witness the river Nile's water squeezing through the gorge's 6 meters of width before bursting out forcefully and making a deafening noise. You have a range of exotic species to keep an eye out for when taking the boat excursion on Kazinga Channel in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Crocodiles, the herd of buffaloes and elephants who enjoy taking baths in the channel, lions, a number of crocodiles, hippos, and a plethora of other animals are only a few of them. Numerous birds enjoy feeding in the marshes along the banks, and a stunning vista of the Rwenzori hills is also visible.
Game drive in National Parks on Honeymoon in Uganda
Love is a normal emotion, so why not let it flow naturally while taking a game drive in one of Uganda's wildlife parks? The National Parks of Uganda are home to a variety of wild animals that roam free. While some may be present in all the national parks, some are unique to certain ones.
A number of game parks are located in the rural areas of Uganda. Kidepo Valley National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, and Lake Mburo National Park are just a few of them.
You may get the opportunity to observe animals like lions, elephants, water bucks, leopards, giraffes, buffaloes, cheetahs, zebras, topis, sitatungas, warthogs, and wild forest hogs, to name a few, during an early morning or late evening game drive in one of Uganda's national parks.
You will have plenty of time to drive through the park and catch up with wild animals as they leave or enter their hiding places or hangouts if you spend the night in or close to the game park.
Creating a suitable itinerary ensures that your journey moves in the right direction without detours. Additionally, renting a private vehicle allows you the independence and solitude to go wherever without upsetting the other passengers.
Visiting Lake Bunyonyi on Honeymoon
It is remarkable to spend your honeymoon at the beautiful Lake Bunyonyi in the Kabale district. The second-deepest lake in Africa, Lake Bunyonyi, was formed by faulting on the rift valley bottom. There are 29 islands in the lake, including the infamous Punishment Island, Akampene Island, Bushara Island, Njuyeera Islands, and others. You may canoe to each of these islands to take in their magnificent characteristics and scenery. You can engage in activities like lake swimming, bird viewing, hiking, chilling out and relaxing, canoeing, nature walks, community visits, and much more during your honeymoon. You may take advantage of all the exciting activities on Lake Bunyonyi by planning and confirming your itinerary. The name Bunyonyi means "little birds," and certainly, the lake is frequently graced by a large number of birds that feed and breed in the nearby grassland and forest.
Visiting Ssese Island on Honeymoon
You can experience a honeymoon along with peace and quality time on Ssese Island. You can use a ferry, boat, or chartered flight to get to the island, which is located in freshwater Lake Victoria.
Only wonderful memories are evoked by the lake's refreshing breeze, its beautiful water, and the surrounding forest. The water is safe to swim in and is reported to be bilharzia-free. You can also go on a walk in the forest and look for different kinds of monkeys, including vervet and black-and-white colobus monkeys, among many others. You can go spot fishing, but remember to bring your own tackle and lures. Enjoy the nighttime bond fire on the lake's banks. Several lodging options for a honeymoon Ssese Island Beach Hotel, Victoria Forest Resort, and Ssese Island Brovad Sand Lodge
Mountain hiking on Honeymoon in Uganda
You can test your fitness with a day trip to mountains like Mountain Muhavura, Mountain Sabyinyo, and Mountain Gahinga in the far south-western region of Uganda, even though hiking is exhausting and often takes several days.
Even though you might not need any special tools, you still need to be reasonably fit to reach the top. Enjoy some quiet, romantic time with your partner while taking in the lovely scenery of the foliage cover.
You can also choose to climb the Rwenzori Mountains, often known as the mountains of the moon, but it will take you more than a week to be successful. To prepare your muscles for trekking, you'll need to make advance plans and practice.

Bird watching in Uganda
Uganda is the ideal destination for a honeymoon if you are an avid birder. Over 1000 bird species can be found in Uganda, some of which are on the IUCN Red List. The 24 species of Albertine endemics can be found in Uganda, particularly in the southwest. Shoe Bill, Fox Weaver, Rwenzori Turaco, Archer's Robin-chat, Collared Apalis, Short-tailed Warbler, Rwenzori Batis, odd Weaver, and many more are just a few of the birds you might observe. You may see a wide range of birds in Uganda by choosing the ideal birding locations and combining them into a superb itinerary. Mabamba Swamp, Bwindi Forest National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, Lutembe Beach, Botanical Beach, and many other places are just a few of Uganda's well-known birding locations.
 Visiting the Source of the Nile and White Water rafting
An opportunity to experience nature at its most raw is on a honeymoon on the River Nile. Pay attention to the river flow's calming sounds, which never end. Take a break and enjoy some white water rafting on Itanda Falls' ferocious tides.
Expert instructors are prepared to walk you through the process even if you have no prior experience with white water rafting. Together with your partner, you can go kayaking or tubing on the Nile. On your honeymoon, this is such a wonderful time to experience.
It is amazing to travel to Jinja to see the River Nile's origins. Given that the Nile River is the longest river in the world, many people are curious about what its beginnings could look like. Five African nations—Uganda, South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, and the Nile's delta in Egypt—are all crossed by the Nile. Enjoy the breathtaking views on the banks of the River Nile.
Booking Accommodations in Jinja Consider White Waters Lodge, King Fisher's Guesthouse, and Sailing Club Jinja for your honeymoon.

What to bring on your Honeymoon in Uganda
Garden gloves will shield your hands from any sharp or jagged objects that you might bump into while sliding.
Energy snacks to give you a boost of energy during game drives and gorilla treks.
A camera so you may capture the wonderful moments of your Ugandan honeymoon.
A backup camera battery for use when the first one goes out
Wear rainproof clothing while going on a gorilla walk or during the rainy season in a game park to avoid getting too soaked.
Wear warm clothing if you plan to go gorilla trekking in Uganda, as the southwest of the country becomes very chilly.
When traveling through the bush, bring a small waterproof bag to carry your belongings and shield your camera's lens from wetness.
Tracking boots to shield your feet from the hard terrain and wet surfaces you might step on when in the woods.
If you have any game drives scheduled, wear something sleeveless and some shorts.
The insect repellent for your skin is needed because the outdoors is full of stinging insects that could bite you.
Summary of the best activities to do for Honeymoon in Uganda
Boat cruise
Gorilla Trekking
Birding in Uganda
Chimpanzee trekking
Ssese Island Visit
visiting the Source of the Nile and White Water rafting
Game drives in Uganda
Lake Bunyonyi Visit
Hiking mountains

Travel with Dav safaris on your Honeymoon in Uganda
Dav Safaris experienced in planning incredible African safari experiences in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda. We have gradually put together a team that is composed of youthful, vivacious employees who are managed by senior, well-seasoned managers and directors who are our destinations' local guides. In the event that we are contacted, a member of our team will assist in delivering reliable information that is both timely and accurate. You can email us at info@davsafaris.com or visit our website, www.davsafaris.com, to book a personalized adventure travel.
Best activities to do for Honeymoon in Uganda

Best activities to do for Honeymoon in Uganda
