Mari Kiroho's profile

HODUNS from the HODUN°UN series

What is HODUN?
 Yesterday I received a question “What actually is Hodun” and I realized that I had not really written about it for a long time.
 So, Hodun (correctly read as ho-doon) is primarily a character that I came up with. This character is the central part of a project I started as in 2020 during the pandemic. I thought about the connection between physical form and inner meaning in sculpture for a long time and this experimental project became the result of my contemplation. 
HODUNS are also the result of my reflections on the individuality of a person in a metropolis.  It is dedicated to the uniqueness of each individual in a big bustling and sometimes overwhelming city.
 So the series of Hoduns called HODUN•UN was born. Currently I’m working on quite a few new hoduns. You have already seen some of them, but I still have many ideas to embody 
HODUNS from the HODUN°UN series

HODUNS from the HODUN°UN series
