Sean Swatkowski's profile

Apex 2020 Photography Project

APEX Senior Project
Sean Swatkowski
This project was created over a semester long senior capstone class. I wanted to convey a message of environmentalism in the local Ozarks Missouri area. I exclusively worked in 35mm black and white film to capture my images. Using black and white film adds to the dark and gritty feeling that I wanted to evoke in the viewer. 
Sean Swatkowski
Artist Statement
APEX 2022

As a visual artist, I make art that inspires me to express myself and my views of the world. Making art is something that pushes me out of my comfort zone that I so often reside in. It is a way to push me over the edge and into the world to experience new things.

I am very passionate about environmentalism and the natural world so I incorporate those interests into my design and photographic works. Photography is my main chosen medium, as it offers my view of the world and is my way to communicate my ideas. While I utilize digital photography for some of my works, being an old soul, I often prefer analog photography. Film offers me a chance to physically immerse myself into creating art rather than constantly getting bogged down in our digital world.

For this APEX body of work, I wanted to focus on the topic of environmentalism in our world, specifically our local Ozarks area. Through film photography, I want to explore the dark, gritty industrialism that impacts  our natural home. Using supporting text, I hope to create images that makes the audience reflect on our actions and impact on the natural world.

Apex 2020 Photography Project

Apex 2020 Photography Project
