This piece was made as a poster/book cover illustration for my on-going project Homebound, a sci-fi world whose main storyline follows a group of alien ambassadors whose races are meeting for the first time. 

Nuri, the political ambassador for a race of psychic aliens known as the Stomiidae, is the one center stage in this particular illustration. The rest of his fellow ambassadors' silhouettes can be seen in the background.

The illustration itself started with a pencil and paper sketch, which I then translated into digital. The full piece was very painterly, with only occasional linework on objects of focus, like Nuri himself.
In the process of making the piece, I did a lot of brainstorming for the world of Homebound as a whole, including notes on the alien races, the intergalactic (and inter-dimensional) dynamics, and character designing for the main cast themselves (which are still WIP as of writing this; may be subject of a later project/post).
Homebound Poster

Homebound Poster
