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Can You Dissolve A Pill In Water?

If you have trouble swallowing pills, you might think about dissolving them in water to make the process easier. While it’s entirely appropriate to do this with some medication, it isn’t recommended for every pill. 
Before you think about dissolving a pill in water, you’ll first have to consider specific factors such as what type of medication you’re taking, whether you suffer from dysphagia and whether there are alternative pill-swallowing methods you can try.
Signs You Might Have Dysphagia
Pill dysphagia is more common than you think. However, it isn’t always easy to diagnose. While it’s always recommended to receive an official diagnosis from a professional, chances are you might have dysphagia if you’ve noticed the following symptoms.
Coughing or gagging when attempting to swallow
Inability to control saliva production
Inherent fear of swallowing pills
Tightening sensations in the throat
Constant irritation in the mouth and throat
In most cases, the cause behind pill dysphagia won’t be apparent. It could result from an underlying medical condition or simply be part of a phobia.
What Happens When You Dissolve or Crush a Pill?
Depending on the type of pill you’re prescribed, it may be possible to crush, cut, mix, chew or dissolve your medication in water. Doing so can make the pill-swallowing process easier without impacting the pill’s efficacy.
Pills that you can dissolve are specifically concocted to release an even amount of medication over a given period. According to the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, dissolving a pill in hot water can even increase its effectiveness—but it’ll ultimately depend on the type of medication.
Similarly, if you take your pills with liquid, try not to drink anything other than water. For instance, if you’re taking medication for a stomach bug, washing a pill down with a dairy-based drink can cause the condition to worsen.
Pills You Shouldn’t Crush or Dissolve
There are some pills you shouldn’t crush or dissolve, as the effects of doing so can extend way beyond just lowering its efficacy. In some cases, crushing or dissolving a pill can even be dangerous—altering a pill’s structure can affect how it works and how quickly the medication impacts the body.
Pills you should avoid dissolving typically boast these labels:
Time-release or time delayed
Controlled dose
Safety, enteric, or comfort coated
Limited relief (8, 12, or 24 hours)
Effervescent tablets
Even if your medication doesn’t have any of these labels, you should consult with a professional before altering your pills.
Alternatives for Making the Pill-Swallowing Process Easier
If you’re unsure whether to dissolve a pill in water, you might consider other methods of making the pill-swallowing process easier.
Alternative Medication Forms
Some medications are available in various forms, which may be easier to swallow than others. For instance, capsules may be challenging to swallow as they tend to float in water and are difficult to wash down. On the other hand, tablets are more compressed and can be easier to swallow because of their shape or size.
Alternatively, your medication might be available as an oral disintegrating tablet (ODT), which dissolves entirely on the tongue and doesn’t require water.
If you’re lucky, your medication might come in a liquid form. Others might be available as a powder that you can mix into water to form a liquid. However, keep in mind that some liquid medications may have a foul taste and are not palatable to most people.
Pill-Swallowing Gel
If your medication is only available in capsule or tablet form, a pill-swallowing gel can provide some relief. Gloup is an all-natural pill-swallowing gel that doesn’t impact the efficacy of your pill and is easy to use.
Simply coat your pill with Gloup, place it on your tongue, and swallow with ease. You can purchase flavored or unflavored options that are suitable even for children as young as two.
The Bottom Line
Pill-swallowing doesn’t always come naturally. If you are someone who struggles with the pill-swallowing process, dissolving your medication in water may come as a natural solution. However, you should always consult with your doctor before doing so.
Are you still on the hunt for a quick and easy solution? Try your hand at Gloup, the nation’s first all-natural swallowing gel.

Can You Dissolve A Pill In Water?

Can You Dissolve A Pill In Water?


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