Martine Ludvigsen's profileMartine Ludvigsen's profile


We exist in a joint reality. Yet, our perception of this reality is individual. The emotions we attach to events, people and objects are personal, connected to our individual experiences. Our responses are shaped by these subjective experiences. Still, there are universal ways in which we react, both physically and mentally. If emotions are freed from context and subjective realities, what are we left with?

Raw, unfiltered emotions.

"Emergence" may seem like a bland and unfamiliar term, but it beautifully captures the essence of complex systems arising from simple beginnings. It's a process through which the unseen becomes seen. This book is a culmination of in-depth research, exploring three distinct emotions: anger, composure, and mastery. The abstract illustrations are based on generalized perceptions of these emotions. 

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men jeg er ikke enig

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min skala 
og der passer du ikke inn

Jeg strekker meg så lang jeg er
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This book project is the result of a research driven process. Three different emotions - anger, composure and mastery - are shown through abstrac Read More
