Luz Pacheco's profile

Aborto Libre y Seguro

Aborto Libre y Seguro
June 2018
Based on a photograph of Alejandra Pablos by Z Negrete. 
In exhibition at Modified Arts Gallery in Phoenix as part of "Autonomy" Series in June 2022. 
Caption from exhibition:
"This piece was inspired by Ale Pablos and the people at the frontlines of the fight for abortion access in Arizona and Sonora, such as the Abortion Fund of Arizona and Marea Verde Nogales. The image was based on a photograph by Z Negrete. 
Ale is portrayed in the image of la Virgen de Guadalupe, but without the praying hands or the modesty. Supported by her community, she blooms alongside roses that are her signature flower. She looks at you reminding you that you can try to regulate her body, but her freedom is hers. And that if you try to come for her, pues that’s your neck. 
Challenging us to reconsider who is holy, those who pray for you or those who will fight with you.

Support people who have had abortions and celebrate them by donating to Abortion Showers
Aborto Libre y Seguro

Aborto Libre y Seguro
