Leslie Maya's profile

Crystal Gen Gig Poster

Crystal Gen Gig Poster
This poster represents a lot of things with current news and secrets that have been spiraling for a long time now. It is a political and societal rebellion and every small element and detail is present to represent a certain message to the poster as a whole. I'll leave some things to your personal interpretation however, this speaks directly to the toxic things in the world and society that are rotting our brains (especially to the new generations) and branching into wars, manipulation to our lives and sicknesses provoked.
I struggled quite a bit in getting creative and coming up with something from scratch for this project. I created two mind maps didn’t help to put my brain in creative mode and the more I thought about what type of concept I was wanting to envision, the more difficult and complicated I made it out to be. I had to step away from it several times, but it kept haunting the back of my head. I kept going back to my sketchbook to add or change things butt kept feeling like I was only hitting surface level work.
When I took it into illustrator, that didn’t help either. It actually made me more frustrated because I questioned how I was going to get the type of style I envisioned through illustrator. So I stepped away and continued sketching.

I went back to my sketchbook and specifically wrote down what message I want to convey, words or phrases that fit within that message, symbols of those ideas but exaggerated or changed so it isn’t a symbol. As I came up with more ideas to add to my message, I kept adding to my sketch.
These are some of the main elements I created for the band name (a crystallized design to represent the new generation who are referred to as "crystals" because any small criticism, judgment, dislike, or opinion contrary to theirs will break them) and the halftone (this was used for the flames that represents the destruction politics brings us too and much more). 
Crystal Gen Gig Poster

Crystal Gen Gig Poster
