A little less than a year ago, I created a mock up logo for a fictional cupcake company. I went back to that design earlier today and realized that I could do a lot better. I've learned so much more in these last few months and I wanted to showcase my growth. This was the best way.
Above is the original designs for my Misfit and his friends. They look more like marshmallows and I also used very stereotypical characters. I was quite unhappy with this.
Above is the redesigned version. I completely changed many of the cupcakes and even added a couple more to the group. I feel like these show a wide variety of personalities and are a lot more fun to look at. You can also create more of a story with these.
I even decided to mock up a display for how the logo woud look on promotional materials.
Misfit Cupcakes

Misfit Cupcakes

A rebranding of my original mock ups.
