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Transcendental consciously by ADigitalScenesArt.

Transcendental consciously collection
Transcendental consciously#Conversation by ADigitalScenesArt
Experience the transcendental consciousness, sentience or awareness of internal and external 
existence of which all things and their essences came from.

Transcendental consciously#Conversation
Conversation is interactive communication between two or more people. 
The development of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization. 
The development of conversational skills in a new language is a frequent focus of language teaching and learning. 
Conversation analysis is a branch of sociology which studies the structure and organization of human interaction,
with a more specific focus on conversational interaction.

Transcendental consciously#Garden
Garden is being natural, informal, simple and unforced, seeking to merge with the natural world.
The King makes his promenade in the Park of the Spirit, The deer are kneeling on the grass, feeding their fawns, The deer are beautiful and resplendent.
The immaculate cranes have plumes of a brilliant white. The King makes his promenade to the Pond of the Spirit, The water is full of fish, who wriggle.

Transcendental consciously#Mind duel
Playing mind duel is the largely conscious struggle for psychological one-upmanship,
often employing passive–aggressive behavior to specifically demoralize or dis-empower the thinking subject, 
making the aggressor look superior. It also describes the unconscious duels played by people 
engaged in ulterior transactions of which they are not fully aware, 
and which transactional analysis considers to form a central element of social life all over the world.

Transcendental consciously#Morning peace
Morning Peace is an expression of welcoming a new day, embracing the freshness and awakening 
discovered early in the morning as night gives way to dawn.
A state of tranquillity, quiet and free from disturbance.
Peace is a qualitative energy that brings balance.

Transcendental consciously#Energy
Energy often proposes that imbalances in the body's energy field result in illness, 
and that by re-balancing the body's energy-field health can be restored.Treatments as ridding the body of 
negative energies or blockages in mind illness or episodes of ill health after a treatment 
are referred to as a release or letting go of a contraction in the body-mind.
Belief is that the world is made up of at least two fundamental substances, matter and spirit. 
Metaphysical distinction is further developed into many and various forms by the inclusion 
of details about what spiritual entities exist such as a soul, the afterlife, spirits of the dead, 
deities and mediums as well as details about the nature of the relationship between spirit and matter.

Transcendental consciously#Plea
Plea, invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication. 
In the narrow sense, the term refers to an act of 
supplication or intercession directed towards a deity or a deified ancestor.

Transcendental consciously#Timeless thinker
A person with highly developed intellectual powers, 
especially one whose profession involves intellectual activity.
Thinker was therefore initially both a being with a tortured body, 
almost a damned soul, and a free-thinking man, 
determined to transcend his suffering through poetry.
A person who spends a lot of time thinking deeply about important things, 
especially someone who is famous for thinking of new or interesting ideas.

Transcendental consciously#Gossip
Gossip, idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others
the act is also known as dishing or tattling.
When a gossiper tells negative information about a person, their recipient might believe that the 
gossiper will also spread negative information about them.
When a gossiper tells positive information about a person, their recipient might believe that the 
gossiper will also spread positive information about them.
Gossip became a social interaction that helped the group gain information about other 
individuals without personally speaking to them.

Transcendental consciously#Prayer
A psychic is defined as someone endowed with exceptional sensitivity to the occult dimension, 
who experiences visions and revelations only few individuals are said to have this capacity.
There are different forms of prayer. One of them is to directly appeal to a deity to grant one's requests.

Transcendental consciously#World
The whole of reality or to everything that is.
The totality of all space and time, all that is, has been, and will be.
Complex things composed of many substances as their parts, the world as a whole.
Everything that makes up reality or the physical universe.

Transcendental consciously by ADigitalScenesArt.


Transcendental consciously by ADigitalScenesArt.
