MOPA Museum
I think that visiting the Museum of Photographic Arts was a very nice experience for me. This is because I love going to art museums, but I have never been to one specifically for photography. I appreciated that it was free admission and only donation based because I believe that more people should be going to museums and viewing art. My favorite images were the nature ones because I really enjoy that type of photography. I made my book project focusing on nature and wildlife so it was interesting to see different shots of the same type. My absolute favorite photograph was created by artist Domagoj Burilovic of the four houses. It was also extremely fun to recreate. I liked this one because I liked the contrast between architecture and wildlife. It almost looks like nature is taking back what once was there. Also, there is a lot of contrast between the buildings and the leaves because of the color. The houses are very light and the plants are very dark. I just like the whole composition and how it was displayed because it is very pleasing to the eye. This motivated me to create my own version. I wanted to replicate the balance between the foliage and the houses. I found the perfect buildings that were actually art studios. Luckily, they had all kinds of plants around them even if it wasn’t as lush as the original. I took most of my photographs right after I was at the museum because Balboa Park has many great opportunities for shots. I am thankful for this experience because I don’t usually go out into public places like that to take photos. It brought me out of my comfort zone and I really like the results I created.
This first photo at the MOPA I recreated is of sunflowers. I couldn't find any sunflowers so I had to improvise with some cool looking succulents I found. They look life flowers and thought that was interesting. These are obviously very tall and so I took my at a low angle to represent that.
The next photo is of a leaf on a skinny branch. Because it is fall and the leaves are dying, this scene was easy for my to find. The original background was completely black, but I like how mine has some shape and contrast. 
This was my favorite photo to recreate. Even though the buildings don't have the same architecture I really like how they came out. These four buildings were art studios in Balboa Park and they had all kinds of plants around them like in the original photo. I loved the colors of them as well.  
I edited this next photo to be closer to the color scheme as the original. I think this photo came out really close as the bees are in the same position. 
This photo was the only photo I recreated with someone in it. I had her place her hands down on the grass and I edited to look my blue like the original. I turned up the red saturation and hue so her hands would appear more red than they actually were.  



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