The project shown below was produced for my Graphic Processes class. We were given the assignment of composing seven distinct compositions that represented either the Seven Deadly Sins or the Seven Heavenly Virtues. The Deadly Sins ended up being my main source of inspiration. Each composition is either my own creation or a discovered image. Unsplash,Pexels, and Deviant Art can be used to credit all discovered photos. The Newspaper Club published the finished product in tabloid format.
The Design Requirements:
Lust: Collage
Gluttony: Typography Composition
Greed: Portrait, full color
Sloth: Portrait, duotone
Wrath: Found Image
Envy: Found image with handwritten type
Pride: Constructed grid image, with type

Front page
an introduction to deadly sins
Lust: I wanted to start off my collage in a dark and intriguing way. To underscore this, I utilized dark, cool-toned hues. I selected the picture of a butterfly because people often associate desire with the feeling of butterflies. The photographs of the two people show the intense emotion and psychological need. It's all a dream alludes to Biggie Smalls' song "Juicy."
Gluttony: I produced a cheeseburger-like typographic composition. The hamburger is a traditional American food and a National Icon; it symbolizes national pride and celebration. Like Americans with their preoccupation with burgers, I use the mix tool to draw attention to the design.
Greed: Using Photoshop, I put together a composition that, in my view, portrays what it looks like when greed consumes you to the point that you start to decay. You may begin to evolve once you let go of your greed. This is the reason I chose to scatter the money among flowers and butterflies. Greed occurs when we have significant emotional needs that are unfulfilled and try to appease them by pursuing things that are beyond our means. However, these things might occasionally be used as a psychological substitute for what we need. They could briefly elicit feelings of joy or pleasure in us. What transpires, though, when the momentary enjoyment is no longer adequate?
Sloth: I have my model seated in front of the TV on a futon to represent Sloth. She is disengaging from her responsibilities and from life by watching television. She may even be missing sleep, judging by the bags under her eyes.
Wrath: To communicate wrath, I took and ripped an image of my friend. I wanted to tell a story about a friendship gone wrong. I wanted to underline that rage usually culminates in harmful behavior toward another person. I enhanced the photograph with Photoshop, adding a backdrop color that went well with my idea.
Envy: In Photoshop, I created a collage to convey the envy of someone's looks. T he unwholesome craving for what you cannot have. People all around the world, maybe in every nation, strive for beauty that is in opposition to their physical appearance.
Pride: Mirrors are everywhere around my model to give her an inflated sense of self. I'm telling a story with this photograph where my subject believes she is better than everyone else. In order to stick with my dark cool-tone concept, I used a gradient overlay.
credit page
Back page: a sinful quote 



Creative Fields