This is the final of my Japanese Notan project. For this project I was instructed to come up with a mirrored design in a Notan format. This project let me play with symmetry and my goal was to create an impactful image while attempting to add asymmetry to a design based around symmetry. This final was created with black paper and an Exacto knife. It required immense precision to keep the paper intact and make smooth lines. 
This is the original sketch for the project, I was required to create 10 different sketches and this one happened to be the first one I did. It well represented the message I was trying to display. The overall idea is "window into nature" with one side representing healthy, blooming plants and the other side representing dying plants due to climate change and pollution. I was trying to visually represent the climate crisis by creating stark differences in shape between the two sides. 
Japanese Notan

Japanese Notan
