Christina Testana's profile

With a swish of the magic wand and out of the fog.

With a swish of the magic wand, out of the fog, a dream made real! Music is a part of you.

Build Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc brand blueprint from a blank slate. Find clarity and alignment within the passion and motivation of the owner and apply the inside-out approach. Help guide the brand to its desired client and focused niche.

Brand Foundation Development.
Brand Identity Design
Logo Design.

The impact:
- Comprehends who she helps and their needs
- Feels authentic, excited, confident, and emotionally aligned
- Knows her brand's motives
- Understands the value of her brand
- Understands the steps to take toward her goal

The Outcome:
Christina helped Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc. focus on its brand strategy, this led to clarity and a clear direction feeling confident in themself, sharing their area of focus easily and reaching the right person with minimal effort.
Tiffany Chinapen Art Psychotherapist
The Goal:

Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc. is a mental health start-up company from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Their modality uses visual arts, collaging and mix-media work to help dig deeper into the subconscious to cope with complex psychological problems. Their focus is helping young adults stuck in their office corporate jobs striving to be musicians, find their creative expression and reconnect with themselves.

Tiffany Chinapen speaks highly of demystifying mental health and art therapy, creating accessible options for mental healthcare, and including creativity in everyday life. Increases people's self-expression and coping skills. These three problems motivate her to take action.

Her dream is to have an art studio for her art psychotherapy sessions and a space to be creative. She loves poetry, music, and mixed media; the reason for focusing on helping musicians is that she loves the behind-the-scenes of developing campaigns for musicians. She strives to make this dream a reality because she wants to work with people that align with her and her interests. She's tired of how the system portrays mental health services and wants to shift the perception of therapy. Make the services positive, fun and engaging. Currently, she is taking multiple jobs in her field to make ends meet but feels unfulfilled, just more fatigue. She got dreams, ideas and aspirations and wants to make a difference.

Tiffany wants to start something for herself; the challenge is to help people believe, understand, and see the value of Art Therapy. On top of that, she must narrow down to a niche and get clear with herself. Committing to this seems daunting, and a lingering fear she is leaving too much on the table.

Doing this alone feels overwhelming because she felt lost in the process and her thoughts. She knew that finding someone who knows and understands building a private practice, specifically for Art Therapists, is the goal. Guidance and coaching are what she searches for to get her dream rolling and not burn precious time.

Tiffany scrolls, sees a special offer about branding and comes across a live Q&A session on Instagram covering all the aspects of branding. Brand designer Christina Testana aligns with her needs and loves her way of thinking. She feels this is the perfect opportunity to get her brand on a roll.
She takes the leap!
Tiffany signs up for the branding project with Christina, starting with a consultation meeting to learn what problem Tiffany is trying to solve and her goals. Tiffany discovers that her brand lacks a direction and niche, feels lost and concludes this is the problem. Christina emphasizes building the brand's foundation first before hobbling into any visuals. Tiffany agrees to this and begins the first discovery workshop.
Brand Alignment
Interactive whiteboard session
Co-creating Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc. brand together
On day one of the discovery workshop Christina begins the session with brand alignment. Both work together interactively and co-creating the brand's purpose, vision, mission, and core values. Tiffany sees how each element builds on one another and how in tune she feels after defining her values. She realizes how much values matter in molding the brand's culture.
Final results from day one whiteboard session
Clarifying ideal client and position
Defining the niche
Day two of the discovery workshop continued on alignment, the bulk part of branding, defining the ideal client and positioning. Tiffany thinks long and hard as she crafts her desired client, tapping into the people she loves to be around and her passion for music and being around musicians. Tiffany is full of light and excitement as she sees her client come together before her eyes and feels her dream become a reality.
Putting together the position statement
Boom! Just like that, her problem disappears, and the mind is full of clarity now having a direction, a specific person she helps, and a focused problem to speak on.

Tiffany is now ready to leave the fog and step into the clear by putting together the pieces to build her positioning statement. Pulling from her ideal client, her best-known service, and the problem she is best at solving. BOOM! The mission is complete, Tiffany's problem solved. She holds a purpose, mission, position, and target client. Now time to develop the brand's personality and story.
Ideal client profile creation
Brand Personality and Story Development
On day three of the discovery workshop covering personality and story, build the attributes that describe Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc. These attributes will connect with the visuals in the next stage. Tiffany gasps at a table of six columns that touch each part of her brand: Culture, Customers, Voice, Feeling, Impact, and X-Factor.
Creation of brands personality and story.
Christina reassures her and goes through the table one-by-one to brainstorm words that link to her brand. Doing it together brought relief; she also found the session lots of fun in bouncing ideas off one another. Plus, laughing at silly spelling mistakes and trying to find our text boxes. The process brought Tiffany to a table of words to choose from and slim it down to six to build the inspiration boards in the next stage. 

The six brand attributes of Art Psychotherapy Inc. are warm, creative young adults, approachable, a new side to self, and an in-house therapist.
Final results on personality and story.
Now Tiffany built the ingredients to compose two art directions. Christina takes the information and begins looking on Pinterest and Unsplash to make an image library. It will cover colours, furniture, photography, patterns, graphics, textures, illustrations, stationery, layouts and many more to start building the inspiration boards.
Art Direction Development Through Crafting Inspiration Boards
Going into the inspiration board building stage, Tiffany challenges Christina with only using cool colours and to stay away from oranges, reds, browns and yellows. Plus, include Tiffany's story of the seed behind her brand.
Working on building the art direction using inspiration boards.
A glimpse of the mild version for Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc. 
She starts to build the first inspiration board getting into the mindset of the ideal client and how their feeling and their desires. The desire client feels stiff, out of flow and balance, looking for movement and rhythm because they are stuck in the office job that's taking them away from their childhood. They wish to spend time with their inner child, get loose, be playful, let go of expectations, be full of spirit and be expressive.
The first inspiration board, Misty Meadow, ties into creating a safe space for the ideal client and feeling comfortable in the environment. The colour palette is soft and neutral, with natural tones as if in nature. Allows the client to neutralize their emotions where they can start in a balanced state to help them open up to themselves. The Misty Meadow art direction is a subtle and safe approach and might attract low-key musicians.
Final mild art direction.
The graphics within Misty Meadow relate to music lines on musical notes or sound waves to showcase rhythm and movement. The College of images showcases experimenting and exploration within art therapy, just a glimpse of what the client could expect.
A glimpse of the spicy version for Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc. 
The second inspiration board, Neon Night, brings a high-energy vibe, showing lots of spirit and liveliness in this art direction. This direction is dynamic, fun, and messy but imaginative and breaks boundaries. 
Final spicy art direction.
Neon Night takes on the concept of Rosewater as a metaphor for an energy drink, where it fills us with excitement, vibrance, and positivity. The colours are pushed to the limits to communicate this feeling. Neon Night plays with whimsy, dream-like concepts where abstraction meets reality. Certainly would attract more exotic musicians.
Christina took two completely different approaches to show Tiffany how far to stretch the concept of Rosewater and tap into what type of musician she wanted to attract.
Tiffany could not believe her eyes looking at both art directions.
Tiffany could not believe her eyes looking at both art directions after Christina presented both ideas. She loves the energy and spirit of the Neon Night inspiration board, but the colours are too bright, vibrant and wild. Tiffany laughs and says, "Rosewater is soft and delicate. I will leave the wildness to my clients when they connect with themselves, as I support them."
I gotta go for a walk.
Tiffany could not get her eyes off the Misty Meadow design because of the natural look and visual appeal. She wants to focus on creating that safe space for her client, and this design speaks of airy, spacious vibes which meet her desires. The design is gentle, not loud, bright and inviting. So Tiffany decided to walk away to process both inspiration boards.
Tiffany walks into her city to reflect on the work and give herself space to breathe and process. Both pieces of work speak the same story but have different approaches. Thinking long and hard about herself, her path, her dreams, her calling, and how she wants people to perceive her lingers in her thoughts.
A Final Direction Chosen
She concludes that the Misty Meadow design is the art direction that represents Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc. the best.
Designing The Logo 
Christina begins the roll out of designing the brand's visual identity for Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc., starting with the logo. Rolling in with concepts channeling the mindset of the user who desires to connect with their inner child, feel in flow, have fun and be expressive.
Picking out the colour palette and journaling the special codes for web and print. 
Christina thinks about memories and items in her studio that coincide with a childhood relation that could help deliver the message. She rolls out concepts that fall too corporate and fears they will not resonate with Tiffany's ideal client. Christina goes to her toolbox and stumbles across her old spirographs, "this will bring many dynamic shapes to the table but could be too symmetrical!" she claims.
Thumbnails of logo concepts 
Her gut says go with it, playing with different shapes, media, patterns, and techniques. Then notices so much dynamic movement in each concept. "The energy is perfect!" squeaks Christina with excitement though it's hard to pick one to present. 
Thumbnails of logo concepts 
The one standing out to her was the design that broke the boundaries within the tools; it holds the expression and rhythm of sound waves in music. It connects to her brand story of becoming a seed and how nourishing ourselves helps us bloom and grow. Rosewater is self-love and self-care.
Selected the best ones and creating rough versions
Christina learns that a simple child tool holds greatness and opportunity.
The tools used to create the logo
Logo Presentation
Presenting the logos to the client, the first logo, plays on the story of the seed; and creates a safe space to feel comfortable blooming. The design is clean and bold though the round edges make it friendly and inviting.
Concept 1
In contrast, the second logo comes in stronger because it's playful, explorative and gives you the feeling of being in flow like water. There is a feeling of balance, looseness, and overall approachability. It communicates the expectations that Tiffany focuses on feeling airy, breathable, and open. Even the font choice brings a friendly, welcoming energy and allows the icon to be the focus. The placement of the logo brings balance and center with self. It meets the client's desires by being centered, whereas the other logo feels heavy on one side.
Concept 2
The second logo feels organic and imperfect, making it relatable to the client compared to the first logo, that's too clean and perfect. It could be triggering to the ideal client. The imperfection within the second logo is messy to reflect the art therapy process, connecting it to the idea of working with our hands and intertwining thoughts in flow.
The story behind the second logo is a seed in flow with the water and sprouting. The seed story is a metaphor for a human being planting themselves back into the ground and beginning to grow and come alive. The choice of linework in the logo connects with sound waves from playing music, tapping into the young musician's desire to make music and longing to be creative and in flow.
The fluidity feeling shows movement in mind and body as ideas intertwine and connections within the mind grow as they feel one with themself, playing on the results Rosewater brings. In the end, Tiffany fell in love with the second logo for all the connections it creates with Rosewater Art Psychotherapy Inc. A little funny thing that Christina and Tiffany discovered with the logo subliminally spells "RW" for Rosewater (completely not intentional).
Built Rosewater Art Psychotherapy's Brand Stylesheet for starting to create the brand's visual identity.
Christina closes the project by building a one-page brand style sheet that gives Tiffany a starting point for her brand. Now she is an existing brand ready to start building a website and marketing materials for building brand awareness and attracting clients.
Tiffany feels complete knowing her niche and who she speaks to and starts setting up her Instagram with her new logo. 

She thanks Christina for allowing herself to dream.
With a swish of the magic wand and out of the fog.


With a swish of the magic wand and out of the fog.
