Carole Motion Design's profile

SIKKA art fair - with The Animation Chamber

This year, I was happily part of SIKKA art fair 2014 with  "The Animation Chamber"
Based on a story written by Tania Salha,

Step #1: I was meant to create the backgrounds for the story, and work on some character design.
Step #2: I had to transform these background drawings to vectors, and cut them out of a black cardboard.
(thank god I have lovely friends and family to help with the cut outs!!) 
Step #3: During the 10 days event, people would step into my room, and I will assist them in creating their own cut out stop motion animation using the backgrounds and the puppets (These characters and puppets are created by Azim Al Ghussein)
It was really rewarding seeing them getting all excited during the process ^^
And here is some cut-out stop motion animation I worked on in my free time.
That is my first experience in stop-motion animation and I'm already hooked and hungry for more ^__^
In order, from the first one to the last one (hands all over the place!! now i know how to fix that ^^)
This really funky awesome character below was by Vanessa L. Guryevou a new friend I met duringSikka :))
And last but not least, I had the chance to meet Mary Murphy a great puppet maker coming from Bristol school of Animation.
Mary gave us a workshop on how to make puppets, and each one made a cute little bird.
We got to animate it!!! and here it is.. also a new amazing experience.
Reward!! I got reviewed by a very sweet blogger that i met during Sikka;
Danna Lorch on
Thank you ^_^
SIKKA art fair - with The Animation Chamber

SIKKA art fair - with The Animation Chamber

Sikka art fair 2014 - Dubai
