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TUFTY, CHILDREN STORY for the Loch Leven

These are the illustrations I made for the Scotland's National Nature Reserves, as part of the Year of Natural Scotland. ‘Tufty and Friends’ is the story of a Tufted Duck’s life at Loch Leven, aimed at engaging Primary School children. 

Example of a doble page of the book. This illustration shows a view of the loch and the natural reserve and the tufted ducks flying over it.

Second page of the book where you can see some of the birds and ducks of the reserve.

The heron catching a fish and Tufty mum and the ducklings about to cross the loch.

The ducklings and mum crossing the loch and Mr. Pike swimming.

TUFTY, CHILDREN STORY for the Loch Leven

TUFTY, CHILDREN STORY for the Loch Leven

children story that I am illustrating for the Scotland's National Nature Reserves, as part of the Year of Natural Scotland. ‘Tufty and Friends’ i Read More
