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Grey Gardens: Drop Cap

Please note that this cover is more of a DVD/Film jacket than a book cover. On that note:
On a criterion kicker, I became momentarily obsessed with the story behind "Grey Gardens". The documentary is filmed in a decaying mansion in the Hamptons, where a widower and her daughter's solitude manifests into neglect and hoarding. What's even mor interesting is that their cousin, none other than Jackie Onassis comes to the rescue of her relative's mansion after the pair made  headlines. "Little Edie", moved back home from the hustle and bustle of New York at 30 and remained single; She hides her Alopecia with scarves, towels, or whatever she could accessorize that had not yet disintegrated into rags. "Big Edie" sings out of tune to old victrola records whose grooves have been warped from play. What was once prim and polished is now left overgrown and dilapidated. 
I was pretty happy with my control concerning anchor points, but believe me, I know I'm not yet Annie Oakley. I added a punched out hole and lattice because I wanted to really drive the 'garden' imagery. But it almost looked cheerful, which is definitely what both Edie's try to convey onscreen. But there's still that darkness that was lacking.
This is my next phase. I am still working on my color palette, but I know I want drab green and yellow colors, and of course, what would this jacket be if it didn't have any grey?
Grey Gardens: Drop Cap

Grey Gardens: Drop Cap

A simple and beautiful single letter in the form of a drop cap. A drop cap is the large letter that starts a chapter in a book - an artform found Read More
