Seven Points Holistic Healing
Brief – 
As a startup in an industry well known for it's lack of good strategy and design solutions, South set out to add some solid design aesthetic to set up Seven Points Holistic Healing as a modern, vibrant player in the Reiki industry. 
Reiki is a holistic practice that focuses healing on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. All Seven Points healings include a guided meditation and healing oils, in a safe space to unwind.
Response – 
South workshopped the name and positioned Seven Points as a modern and progressive business in a sea of purple and rainbows. 
Chakras are part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels. There are seven major chakras, which are arranged vertically along the axial channel.
We created a simple visual encompassing these elements, creating the central element of the Seven Points brand.

Result –
Due to solid,  consistent growth in the business since it's launch, Seven Points has moved to larger premises, with continual growth across all facets. A super happy client.
No purple or rainbows were used…
Seven Points


Seven Points

Reiki is a non-invasive, gentle, yet powerful method of healing. Reiki energy, (often described as “universal life energy” or “spiritual energy”) Read More
