i have just research into some photography to do with skating ready for my shoot that i will do in  a car park of  my model with a skate board so that i will be able to reactant some of these poses. so hear is just a long moldboard so the different poses and photography people have done that that i can try to capture that image.
Wardrobe styling
i chose what my modle would be wearing for the shoot. and i chose shorts shoes t-shirt and a hat, this so that it would be possable for me to edite out as much of his skin as i could while still having enough clothing to give the invisible man trick photography effect.
hear are just a few test shots and images that it took when doing my shoot that i have no necessarily used for my final however i feel do suit the kinds of images that i was attempting to shoot.
invisible man

invisible man

photo shoot preparation and shoot for trick photography.
