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Easy Tips to Choose the Best Diamond Jewelry

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. And if you want to know how to buy diamonds for the special woman in your life or even for yourself, you’re going to need a good guide.
Buying diamonds is a lot like buying anything else – it all comes down to the quality of your research. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you learn everything you need to know about buying diamonds, from what kind of cut and clarity are best for your budget, to where you should buy them from.

What is a Diamond?

Before we start talking about how to buy diamonds, let’s just take a quick look at what they are! Diamonds are rocks made up of carbon atoms arranged in a specific pattern. This arrangement gives them their hardness and makes them resistant to wear—which makes them perfect for jewelry-making! They come in all different colors and shapes; but if you’re looking for something special, white diamonds will always be your best bet.

Know the 4 C’s

When you’re ready to buy a diamond, there are a few things you should know. You should know that diamond grading is based on the four C’s: cut, clarity, color, and carat weight. The cut grade indicates how well the diamond is cut. The clarity grade indicates the presence or absence of inclusions (small imperfections) in the diamond. If there are no inclusions visible to the naked eye, then it will be graded as flawless. The color grade indicates how different colors appear under light—white diamonds are graded D-Z; colorless diamonds are graded D-F; near-colorless diamonds are graded G-J; near-white diamonds are graded I-K; faint yellowish tints are graded L; slight yellowish tints are graded M; moderate yellowish tints are graded N; strong yellowish tints are graded O; most yellowish tints are graded P or Q. Lastly, carat weight refers to how much of the stone is diamond—the higher the number, the more expensive it will be! A 1-carat diamond will cost more than a 0.5 carat diamond.

Check the Jewelry’s Certificate

The certificate is usually just a glossy piece of paper that comes with the jewelry, but it should give you all the information you need to know about how much the stone cost and where it was mined. If the jeweler doesn’t have a copy of this certificate, ask them to get one from their supplier.

Now that you know how to buy the best diamonds, check out the best diamond jewelry selections at My Bridal Ring. Its an excellent shopping platform to buy engagement rings or wedding rings for your special day.
Easy Tips to Choose the Best Diamond Jewelry

Easy Tips to Choose the Best Diamond Jewelry
