Charles Pigott's profile

Ran Xerox & Piranesi

Chester Carlson (USA) invented the first photocopying machine and the technology to do so in 1938. 

In 1978 Stefano Tamburini and Tanino Liberatore, published  RanXerox, an Italian science fiction graphic novel series.  Conceived as a bizarre antihero, RanXerox was a mechanical creature made from Xerox photocopier parts. 
Carceri d'invenzione, often translated as Imaginary Prisons, are a series of 16 etchings by the Italian artist Giovanni Battista Piranesi, produced from c. 1745 to 1750. All depict enormous subterranean vaults with stairs and mighty machines, in rather extreme versions of the capriccio, a favourite Italian genre of architectural fantasies.

Together, these events amass a viewpoint of our contemporary society that has been trapped by the notions embedded within originality. These images attempt to release history from the trappings of academia and promote a perception towards an architectural action.
Ran Xerox & Piranesi

Ran Xerox & Piranesi
