bryan mrao's profile

Sans Serif & Serif Glyphs Composition

Sans Serif &  Serif 
Glyphs Composition
The card of the right side is an abstract representation of the different anatomy of typography in Sans Serif. The card on the left is an abstract representation of Serif letters.

The goal of this project was to produce an abstract piece of art using only numerals and alphabetic characters, which provided a unique set of challenges. Stempel Garmond and Haas Grotesk Display Pro were both chosen to be the typefaces utilized in this particular instance. It was a project that was both enjoyable and difficult to complete. It demonstrated to me very clearly that I am capable of creating with virtually any creative pieces.
In addition to that, we became familiar with the many anatomical components of letterforms. Both serif and sans-serif fonts are utilized in the creation of designs. The purpose of this is to instruct us on how to differentiate between the two types of typefaces. Do you notice the distinction between the two?
By using six letters I was able to achieve this abstract composition. The Sans Serif has  "boxy" and  sharp-cornered characteristics to it. 
The number 8 inside a black circle gives this Serif composition a personality.
Additional Mock-ups : 
Glyphs composition as an interior design
Sans Serif & Serif Glyphs Composition

Sans Serif & Serif Glyphs Composition
