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Project: Spheres - Creature Designs

Sphere #15        
(Green) - Giant Class
A Legendary Class of Sphere (Giant Class) This Sphere is said to dwell in the thick Black-Algae Sphere Biome for its domain and territory. Its size and shape allow it to freely move with ease and agility within the slimy biome that it calls home. Due to the nature of its surroundings this Sphere has evolved a special bioluminescence that can penetrate the mucky darkness to give visibility and to detect other Sphere creatures within the biome sphere. As a Giant Sphere creature it will defend its domain and territory of the Black-Algae Biome from other predatory Sphere creatures that venture into this black-slime Sphere.
Sphere #16
(Yellow) - Blaster Class
This little speeder is part of the blaster class spheres, a sub-species in which these Sphere's bodies have adapted to do one thing and one thing only; to unleash an all-consuming-energy-blast. But due to its small size and build up, it cannot build enough energy to create such a blast, so instead it uses its power to 'blast' through space and allow it to travel at the speed of a flying bullet. Making it one of the fastest Spheres around. But it can only blast forward or backwards and would need to come to a completely stop before being able to turn or change directions. Colliding with it at full speed is not a pretty sight.
Sphere #30
(Orange) - Steam Class
Part if the Steam Class; a specialized species of Sphere that has adapted it's body to act like a steam engine, in taking surrounding water and other materials, raise it to its boiling point, and vent out the steam and boiled material to achieve thrust and lift. Which allows it to have more precise movement and speed even with a heavy body. It can also use its steam to lure, stun, and fend off other Spheres with ease. But once it loses its internal heat, it must paddle along with its small fins and single tail to attempt to find additional materials to ignite its internal heat.
Sphere #36
(Green) - Illusion Class

As part of the Illusionary class of Spheres, Sphere 36's main body has evolved to absorb natural light preventing light from reflecting off the body, rendering this Sphere creature to become practically invisible. Also as part of evolving in a crystal/rock biome, it has come to adapt itself to attaching red and white crystals to its body; when light hits these crystals - the red crystals give off a illusionary glow that imitates the glow found in larger Red Sphere Creatures, which scares away any potential predators away, - the white crystals when hit by a strong light source produces harmful rays of light. When this Sphere is feeling safe, its body will redirect the absorbed light to its head and will produce a strong light for it to navigate its surroundings. Typically found in the Rocky Biomes hiding in the caverns and cave systems looking for crystals
Sphere #55
(Red) - Grip Class
This little guy is the equivalent of our mosquito and the helpful Remora/Suckerfish that has a Taser for a tail. It attaches itself to the body of another Sphere, from there it will eat off the excess material, and thus give a good cleaning to the host Sphere. However afterward, if its host has moved to an undesired location where it can't get off and move away to safety, it will then embed itself into its host and will dig its limbs into it and drain nourishment and energy out of its host. Until its host moves to a more desirable location where it can get off. However if that doesn't work, it will then uses its 'taser' tail to steer its host in the right direction; or it will drain its host to a husk, whichever comes first.   
Sphere #59
(Violet) - Hybrid - Puff Class

Sphere #59 is an oddity in the Sphere universe; it is a hybrid color class; once considered part of the Red Class spheres, it was then altered when consuming a Purple Color Class sphere. Its body is part of the Puffer species; in which the body can be separate from the Sphere itself because it can create its own energy and can act on its own as well. But the body cannot survive long without the Sphere and thus needs to carry, tend to and protect its own lifeline.
The smoke and ash that it produces allows the light from the sphere to bounce off of the smoke and use that light wave as a form of lift while moving.  
The smoke and ash are also poisonous and toxic to other color Spheres. Which makes up for its slow pace and limited movement.

Sphere #65
(Yellow) - Shockwave Class
Yellow Spheres can create their own energy or are able collect energy through light, shock, or through wavelengths, this one creates its own energy to survive and is able to use that energy to move around by pulsating shockwaves through
its tail to push it around, when in danger or threaten, it pinches it's body together that creates a powerful and painful sound waves that can cause physical harm and scares away any potential predators. However when its energy is low, it uses this sound wave as a weapon like the peacock mantis shrimp to stun its own prey.
Sphere #74
(Red) - Weaver Class
Sphere 74 is the spider of the Sphere Creatures, it creates webs out of thermal lighting (lasers), because of this ability, the Sphere creature tends to wonder through the other biomes until it can find a place to fabricate a thermal web for its own accord. The web itself is incredibly dangerous because it's a thermal light encoded onto a fiber thread making the web almost invisible but still carries energy and heat of the light, so when a Sphere creature is ensnared or caught in the web, the threads will burn the outer skin which will cause the other captured creature to struggle, as it struggles to free itself the webbing will keep burning through the skin until it cuts through the body, slicing the creature into small bits. The tail itself has evolved so that the Sphere can use the webbing as a pulling system as it grinds against the thermal light.
Sphere #69
(Red) - Jaw/Bladed Class
This Sphere is about quick attacks, having a very limited bite power and a lighter bone shell makes it more vulnerable to other predators and from losing against its own prey. Making it one of the first to flee if need be. So in adaptation its frontal fins have become heated blades to cause very quick and presice damage, so that it can grab what it can from the attack and flee with its earned reward or successful escape. This one is a bit of a wonderer but if it can find a good spot to hunt it will stay and take up a territory.
Sphere #72
(Yellow) - Multi-Body Bladed Class
Sphere #72 is a complete rarity in the Sphere world; it is part of the rare body class - the Multi-Bodies; in which these species have multiple forms of bodies that work both together and can work separately from each other. The bodies all act around the same focal point, the Sphere. Unlike Puffers; these bodies cannot act without the Sphere and one of these bodies must be holding the Sphere at all times else the whole creature dies. But what makes this Sphere special and rare is that it is also part Bladed Class as well. With the one central fin on its main body, and having two bodies made for speed, this razor sharp fin can be used to slice through most bodies like a butter knife to butter.
Also a wonderer. But tends to stick around algae and rocky biomes the most.     
Sphere #79
(Red) - Jaw Class
Sphere 79 is 85% pure jaw and bone, thus this makes this Sphere a little heavier than the others, so it must constantly move its fins to keep it afloat in order to survive. But having only 2 tiny fins as a means of travel and movement is very slow, so it evolved a Rocket End to give it an extra speed boost to catch its prey. However that doesn't mean it has good aim and will occasionally crash into other objects head first, smashing its forward jaw. Because of its speed boost it does not live within any biome sphere but rather in the spaces between spheres, for it always stays in the open ready to pounce.
Sphere #80
(Red) - Jaw Class
A very powerful and large predator, this Jaw Class Sphere is considered to have the second strongest bite in the entire Sphere world. A bite so strong that it can cause shockwaves that can stun even the Giants. However all that strength comes with a heavy burden, being one of the heaviest Spheres also makes it one of the slowest. If it cannot keep moving forward or stay afloat, it will fall downward into the abyss and attempt to survive against anything that lives in that darkness. So slow and steady will win this hunter a longer life.   
Sphere #110
(Blue) - Illusionary Class
This Sphere is the equivalent of a deep sea jellyfish and a Angler fish. It lures its prey with hypnotic lights or a illusionary scenery to draw them close. When in reach it will use its fluid body to wrap around its un-expecting prey, a body that is coated with stingers and toxins to paralyze its prey from escaping. When not hunting or threatened, its body can cloak itself and render itself completely invisible from any onlookers. Because it does not have any limbs to propel itself, it rides on currents to move around. 
Sphere #121
(Green) - Giant Class

A Legendary Class of Sphere (Giant Class), unlike any other sphere, this creature's body has never stopped growing which has created a never ending neural branches that all connect to each other. The Sphere itself is embedded within the neural branches allowing it to travel through the branches to anywhere they connect. The body itself has grown so large and complicated that it is classified as its own biome. Because of its size other Sphere creatures have now adapted to thrive and live within this massive body like they would in any other type of biome.
Sphere #147
(...) - Phantom Sphere
Sphere #147 is classified as simply being known as the Phantom Sphere because so little is known about this Sphere. It is said to dwell in the dark fog in the depths below. It is said that it seems to appear and disappear into the dark at will, making it impossible to locate or find. Making it the Phantom of the Spheres
Sphere #148
(Red) - Jaw Class
Due to its small body, it can't move very fast or even pursuit its prey for long periods of time, so in order to adapt to this weakness, its mouth never stops growing and its entire jaw acts similarly to the effects of a Pelican, it can stretch and expand to hold prey or potential energy sources that is 2 or 3x the size of actual body and stomach. This way it can slowly digest its food over a long period of time, never knowing when it might catch its next meal. When it finds its next meal, and its still in the process of digesting its last meal, it will quickly raise its metabolism and increase its stomach acid dissolve any material left, that body material will then be broken down and stored into a slime material that acts like a second skin and webbing to help give speed and agility to move around. When it doesn't have a body in its mouth, it uses its long tong to propel and stir itself forward .
Sphere #151
(Green) - Illusion Class
When agitated or cornered, the body of this sphere produces a thick slime like residue that becomes bioluminescent in nature and acts similarly to fire, protecting the body in a green flame made of slime. However its body is very sensitive to light, so when it is not creating slime to protect itself, its body adjusts to the light causing it to "flicker" or vanish in bright lights but can be completely visible in darker spaces. Because of this trick, it appears to be warping in and out of space.
Project: Spheres - Creature Designs

Project: Spheres - Creature Designs

A Following of the Project: Spheres - these are some original creature designs associated to the world of Spheres. These are some colored and ill Read More
