Martyna Biegała's profile

The world is flowing through my senses

The world is flowing through my senses
sensory overwhelm in ADHD and ASD
There's an old Polish folktale I remember from my childhood. It's about two sisters. They both go through the well to a strange garden, where one acts with empathy and kindness and the other with greed and cruelty. They get rewarded for their actions - the good sister spills flower, gold and precious stones from her mouth as she's talking and the evil sister vomits snakes, frogs and trash wherever she says a word. I get the moral of the story, but since I was a child I couldn't brush a feeling that it would be terribly inconvenient to spill whatever from my mouth, even if it's of great value. But this is a good metaphor of how I feel as a neurodivergent person, struggling with oversharing and reading social cues. It do sometimes feel like something just falls out of my mouth and Lord knows it can be both diamonds or frogs. So I took inspiration from that tale while working on that piece that is about my neuroatypical experience. For people with ADHD and ASD it's like there's no filter between the world and our brains. It all goes in and out with all it's force, just flowing through our senses. We soak knowledge, absorb all emotions and get the wildest, most beautiful ideas, but it gets exhausting most of a time. I truly love the creativity and curiosity that comes with being neuroatypical, yet sometimes the overwhelm and physical pain from constant flow of informations and sensory feelings makes it impossible to bring the ideas to life. The world disappears in a static noise and it shows up that the void is even worse than the avalanche. It's frustrating, to see all that potential go to waste thanks to the same brain structure that allows those possibilities to exist in the first place. But I wouldn't change it, even if I could.
instagram: @heksarium
The world is flowing through my senses


The world is flowing through my senses


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