Gitanos Rebranding

We help people build and connect brands that provoke and inspire. We are a firm specialized in building brands, strategy, communication and conceptualization of spaces with a regional scope. We help people build and connect relevant brands from scratch to stability, adding value to them holistically with leanthinking and scrum tools, whether you need to create powerful branding from scratch, including strategy and communication, a beautiful and functional website , or if you are looking to conceptualize and design a space.
And well... after 10 years we had to do a re-branding 🤪, update methods and rethink new objectives, expand our spectrum to continue showing value and aesthetics to our clients in a comprehensive way⚡✨
Our main icon is inspired by the hand of Jamsa, which indicates power, strength and blessing. It also serves as protection against the evil eye 😅, the other icons represent freedom, exploration and the tourist mode that we have to create.


Gitanos Rebranding