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International & National Days

Social Media Post & Write-ups for International & National Day
Ideation, research and writing for social media post for Important International & National Days.
Mother's Day
Can you spot the superheroes who don't wear capes?
They are right next to us and have stayed no matter what.
They protect everyone from infectious and deadliest virus all the time and they are non-other than our beloved mothers, they are also the frontline workers today fighting against COVID19.
They wear masks, gloves and PPE Kits, 24x7 from hospitals to home, from securing streets to cradling the crying toddlers walking back home.
Our mothers, the real superheroes. Amidst this pandemic, Be.artsy: Awareness Experts is celebrating the superhumans, the mothers who are working with selfless spirit to ensure our safety and well beings each day in different roles and capacities.
We salute you all.
#HappyMothersday #artsy #beartsyIndia #artforawareness#awarenessexperts
World Environment Day
If it were not for nature, the survival of human beings is questionable. We depend on nature for all the basics, yet we take it for granted.

The #pandemic induced lockdown has offered us a chance to reflect on the relationship that we share with nature and wonder as how many of us are looking at nature the way we must.

As human life has been brought to nearly a standstill to fight off the pandemic, nature has sprung back to life and is constantly recovering as little to no human intervention has helped revitalise the #environment. In such a short span of time nature has communicated with us, in its own creative ways, the message we have been oblivious to for so long.
Deforestation, encroachment on natural wildlife habitats, accelerating climate change to disruptive environment and biodiversity at the current rate, are all alarming indicators for the human race of losing a conducive environment for survival. 
If we want to take care of ourselves, we must first take care of nature.

This #WorldEnvironmentDay is #TimeForNature. We must take cognisance of the consequences of our actions on nature and be mindful of them. If we don’t take action now, it will be too late.

Let’s build a better and healthier planet for ourselves and for upcoming generations. 
National Doctor's Day
Be.artsy: Awareness Experts extends its gratitude to all the frontline #COVID19warriors who with their relentless and selfless services have helped scores of people to recover from this deadly virus and are constantly in service to us.

India celebrates July 1 as the #nationaldoctorsday to honour the pioneer of the medical practice in India and the former CM of West Bengal, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, whose contribution to the health care industry are incomparable.

Undergoing a great deal of emotional and mental stress, working sans leaves and seeing families or taking rest the doctors have been constantly treating and curing patients across the nation in surging heat without air conditions and layers of personal protective equipment. Our doctors have fought this battle against this pandemic like superheroes. We salute all of our heroes and remember the ones who laid their lives in service while treating the patients.

Send this to your doctors and say thanks to them, let them know they are your heroes.
#beartsyIndia #socialawareness #artforawareness #awarenessexperts#doctor #pandemic #socialdistancing #hero #covid19
World Population Day
Be.artsy: Awareness Experts on the world population day, urges everyone to play an active role in erasing discrimination. We all have to be an ally and ensure to include everyone including the #lgbtqiaplus while advocating for #reproductivehealth and rights in observing #worldpopulationday 2020. 
Globally the day seeks attention on demographic changes, population issues and migration trends. This year as the pandemic has caused major disruption in the health services and supply chain, the health structures in India are coping up to reduce the effect of #COVID19 while sexual and reproductive health has been sidelined with a sharp rise in domestic and child abuse. In Bengal alone since March 2020, 500 cases of child marriages have been reported. As per the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) report, 47 million women in low- and middle-income countries may not be able to access modern contraceptives resulting in 7 million unintended pregnancy.
To speed up the progress in realising #sdg 2030, Be.artsy is joining hands with the #UN to raise awareness on sexual, #reproductivehealth while including everyone and highlighting the need to empower and equip the vulnerable, to effectively practice #familyplanning through its volunteering initiative #V4V
Independence Day
Do you want freedom? Be ready to take responsibilities like doctors, nurses, soldiers by planning and securing your own future and become financially healthy. A nation's great wealth comes from healthy citizens. Thus, this Independence day team Be.artsy: Awareness Experts​ has pledged to make all the Lakshmi's in the house to make financially literate via our flagship programme ‘be your own Lakshmi’. 

The pandemic shook the nation, livelihoods, working pattern, we saw a surge in domestic violence yet here we are, rebuilding the nation bit by bit. We are empowering people across India, irrespective of their gender to become financially literate via our Financial wellness webinar.

Join us, in this 74th Independence year to realise a dream, a vision of financially literate India. Sign up for our free financial wellness webinar and add #moneymanagement to your skills. 

You can drop us a message to know more about it and watch this space to know more. Write to for any queries!

Happy 74th Indpendence day! Jai Hind!

#independenceday #financialawareness #moneymanagement #tribute#pandemic #mutualfunds #financialfreedom #financialhealth#financialindependent
World Youth Skills Day
The youth needs skills, knowledge, emotional intelligence and intellectual guidance. Since Be.artsy started its journey back in 2010, it has been the first agenda of the enterprise to have youth as one of the leading TG that we will work for and with. Thus, we started our journey by building a youth initiative @v4vindia Volunteer 4 Volunteerism. 
The initiative hosted 6 seasons, where students came forward using their artist skills to raise UNSDG’s since season one, but the pandemic has proven to be a new ray of hope for the youth to be active participants. While hosting Season 7 starting 2019 through 2020 Pandemic, we shifted the on-ground street theatre festival to an online initiative. That made way for double participation from multiple cities across India. 
This World Youth Skill Development Day, we have announced our season 8 that will be attracting over 200 colleges across India to participate with us via our social media platform. 
Team Be.artsy is committed to supporting and help youth unleash their potential and enhance their artsy skills. How can you support in your little way to help youth enhance their e-skills?

#worldyouthskillsday #upskills #digitalIndia #elearning#beartsyindia #artforawareness #socialawareness #youth#employement #makeinIndia #trainjng #education #instagood#Unesco #Un
World Day Against Child Labour
This world day against child labour we have a greater responsibility to ensure that the #COVID19 situation doesn’t push back millions of children back to child labour. Unfortunately, the current pandemic crisis has brought great magnitude of challenges and children are the first one to suffer. In India alone approximately a whopping number of 10.1 million children are encapsulated in child labour as per 2011 census data. With economy hitting recession- those already in disadvantaged situations especially children in child labour and victims of forced labour and human trafficking, particularly women and girls will become more vulnerable and prone to get exploited at the hands of traffickers. The surging unemployment and income shocks will make it easier for them to take menial jobs in absence of food and other social securities . Post #COVID19 the situation will be too grim to deal as children will face long and difficult working hours.

As lockdown, quarantine, physical distancing and other isolation measures are in effect to suppress transmission we must ensure undisturbed channels to make education and food supply accessible to the children in disadvantaged groups. .
As situation is gripped, children must go back to school and continue their lives unprecedentedly. To defeat #covid19 and eradicate child labour how can one person (YOU) be a change marker? What’s your take?

#worlddayagainstchildlabour #childlabour #beartsyIndia#v4vindia #artforawareness #socialawareness @globalmarch@unicefindia @uninindia @oopsidoodledagain
Global Parents Day
On Global Day of Parents @beartsyindia urge and encourage family-friendly policies at its workplaces. Around the world #globalparentsday is celebrated on June 1 to give respect to parents for their selfless commitment and lifelong sacrifice towards this relationship.
Families are bearing the brunt of the #COVID19 19 pandemic. As the anchors of the family and the foundation of our communities and societies, parents have the responsibility of sheltering their families from harm, caring for out-of-school children and, at the same time, continuing their work responsibilities. Without support from parents, children’s health, education and emotional well-being is at risk. By introducing family-friendly workplace policies and practices, companies and organizations will be in a better position to promote children’s safety and wellbeing and provide systematic support to employees.

#beartsyIndia #awarenessexperts #socialawareness#familyfriendly
World No Tobacco Day
Of the 1.2 billion tobacco consumers globally, 267 million are Indians. Tobacco consumption is the one of the biggest public health threats in the world and is yet the most trivialised concerns. Each year 8 million deaths are caused by tobacco consumption and 1 million people die in India alone. These staggeringly high numbers point towards the severity of the threat that tobacco consumption really is. 
Among various uses of tobacco, cigarette smoking is the most common and also happens to be one of the most damaging ways of tobacco consumption. Not only is tobacco consumption harmful for public health but also has significant economic ramifications. With 80% of tobacco users living in low- and middle-income countries, where the death- and illness- related burden is the highest, tobacco contributes to and exacerbates poverty conditions by diverting household expenditure from basic needs to itself. 
According to WHO, multiple internal industry documents have revealed the tobacco and related industries’ targeted marketing strategies aimed at attracting new and younger consumers to replace those who die each year. Introduction of flavors attractive to youth, sleeker designs, promotion of “cleaner alternatives”, celebrity and/or influencer endorsements or sponsorships, sale of single stick cigarettes and other tobacco and nicotine products near schools, and indirect promotion or marketing of tobacco products in films, TV shows and online streaming shows, are some tactics to make tobacco products more and more desirable to the youth. 
Putting end to the deceiving tricks of the tobacco industry and save the upcoming generations from falling prey to these insidious plans is possible. 
On World No Tobacco Day, if one ☝️ adult pledge to unveil these manipulative tactics directed towards creating a new generation of tobacco consumers to one ☝️ young potential tobacoo consumer, there is hope to win this fight against tobacco. 
We urge changemakers and influencers – in pop culture, inside homes, on social media, or in classrooms – to participate, collaborate and expedite the process of awareness. . 
Young India deserves a tobacoo free life.

Menstrual Hygiene Day
Nearly 1.8 billion girls, women, transgender men, and non-binary persons of reproductive age experience menstruation monthly. While it’s a natural biological occurrence and a sign of healthy reproductive growth, this figure still translates into 1.8 billion people having to experience some amount of discomfort and shame for menstruating, having to worry about staining their clothes and having their day-to-day routine, mobility and freedom restricted owing to lack of proper sanitation facilities. The lack of proper infrastructural facilities for menstruating persons does not only manifest itself in the form of physical distress but also mental and emotional distress.

There’s an urgent need for menstrual health and hygiene to be seen within the framework of human rights since it’s closely related to the human rights of girls and women and gender equality. The social response to menstruation should be such that it creates an environment conducive for managing hygiene during the said period. The inability of managing menstrual hygiene, propelled by social factors, infringes on their basic rights to education, work, and health.

As identified by UNICEF, if women are equipped with the five basic elements required to maintain healthy menstrual hygiene – the correct knowledge and skills, access to material supplies, an enabling environment, supportive infrastructural facilities and services, and an accepting social system – they can handle their menstruation in a healthy and dignified manner.

As the five action points are mentioned above, which one will you pick and contribute to building healthy menstrual hygiene?

#mensturalhygiene #menstruationmatters
#taboo #awarenessexperts #socialawareness
World Health Day
This world health day we at @beartsyIndiaextends our heartfelt gratitude to doctors, nurses and frontline health workers across the world who are tirelessly working to save people from coronaviurs. Their relentless work have cured and saved lives around the clock. Let’s take a moment to reiterate, health is the biggest wealth. The unforseen ongoing changes puts challenges ahead us for that one needs to be prepare its finances. If you don't have a health insurance, buy one today. Eat healthy, meditate , excercise give your body the rest it needs. Maintain a healthy body posture and stay positive. 
With awareness and good hygiene habits coronavirus can be defeated, wash your hands, keep your surroundings clean. Stay home & stay safe!

#beartsyIndia #worldhealthday @who #covid_19 #doctor#nurses #healthylifestyle #positivevibes #positivity#financialadvisor #financialindependence #financialwellness#socialawareness #artforawareness #socialenterprise #
Under the global pandemic it is important to look back and contemplate what we have done to our mother nature. As of today, nature is detoxifying with an auto mode. It’s now our turn to restart earth with a focus on preserving the nature’s resources and adapt sustainable measures. Team Beartsy will join the world and will observe ‘The Earth Hour’ between 8:30-9:30 pm tonight by turning off power for an hour. .
All you need to be part of this is to turn off the lights, turn on the stars and pray for the world to heal.
Thousands across the globe have lost their loved ones and approximately 1 million people are battling with COVID-19. Let’s pray united, for the world to heal and give back nature the space it needs. .
You can tag us in your videos during the earth hour we will share them. Let’s fight this together.

@unclimatechange @earthhourofficial
#earthhour #earth #savetheplanet #beartsyIndia #tagus#saveearth #switchoff #covid_19 #coronavirus @unwomen@unicefindia @unvolunteers @un
Earth Hour
International & National Days


International & National Days
