

amapô is an editorial publishing platform that seeks to promote the acceptance of minorities from the LGBTQIAP+ community through literature and editorial design. The purpose of this graphic design course’s final project is to present the pilot publications of each editorial line on this platform, materializing the observations obtained in the theoretical foundation of this project: an exploration of the non-stereotypical representation of dissident genres in graphic design, from a review of the cis-hetero normative historical context in which graphic design thrived. All stories edited and published by amapô are written, designed, and edited by, for, and about queer people.


Graduation project developed at the end of the bachelor's degree in Graphic Design with Emphasis on Typography from Anhembi Morumbi University, 2022.

Instructor: Prof. Me. Ricardo Balija.
Students team: Jess Silva, Ana Luiza Teixeira, Jéssica Ferreira, Carla Ricciotti, Gabriela Valotto e Vitória Dourado.
You can see the entire project here.



Projeto de conclusão de curso desenvolvido no final do bacharelado em Design Gráfico com ênfase em Tipografia, na Universidade Anhembi Morumbi.
