Dimitar (Greenhiller) Nanchev's profile

Game Design Project (in progress)

Each line is situational, so it is preceded by key words in parentheses. Some of the lines may be puzzling because, without knowing the environment and world the character comes from, they could be taken out of context. In such situations, I will add parenthetical explanations after the lines.

As a general guideline, I will share that in the world of Torae, sentient beings of various races know an ancient language that serves as their common means of communication.

The character introduces himself:

1. (to men of the kingdom he inhabits) "My name is Torae, dweller of the low galleries." (His home cave is one of the deepest in his underground kingdom.)
2. (to men from another kingdom) "My name is Torae, traveler at heart!" (In the common language, his name means "constant traveler.")
3. (here he is a prisoner of creatures from the Vespera race - primitive underground mammals, having common features with bears and gorillas, and as a constitution - with bats) "Torae is my name, and it means 'traveler.' I neither wish to stay with you nor will I do you harm!"
4. (when meeting an individual of the race of the Fathers) “I salute you, Ancient One! I won't say anything about myself because you are omniscient. And I dare not ask about you, even though I really want to learn!” (The Fathers constitute the first sentient race of indigenous origin on the planet.)
5. (in audience with the queen of an insect civilization) “Hail, Mother Goddess of a Great Kingdom! May your cypriot children multiply and strengthen!” (On planet Kunatae, insects managed to evolve into a sentient species long before humans, and by the time the story unfolds, they are the dominant species in that world.)

Verbal reaction when an enemy is killed:

1. (Torae inadvertently causes a young vesper to die as he falls from a height) “Why did you have to follow me, clumsy and inexperienced youth? Your death will weigh heavily on me and anger your tribe!”
2. (Torae is recognized as an enemy by an insect warrior and in his panic inadvertently overuses his force and kills him) “I was not your enemy, hardwing! May your remains feed good creatures, may strong plants sprout from them…”
3. (the protagonist is forced to take part in a duel to defend family honor against an insect elite warrior, who miraculously wins) “You were a more worthy opponent than me. You don't deserve to be eaten by worms! With your death, your family honor is pure again, shining as brightly as the hot bowels of Kunatae.”
4. (on freeing several enslaved Vesperians, the slave-owning people put up a fierce resistance, in which two of them are killed; retorts to the first of them follow) "I free the slaves from you, and you from the desire to own them!"
5. (replies to the second slave owner) "If the desire to rule over them is stronger than your desire to live, you risk losing both!"

Exclamation during fierce battle:

1. (to the Vesperian climbing after him) “Your big hands can help you during a fight, but not in climbing. Quit while you're low!” (With gaining height, the large individual falls and dies on the spot.)
2. (when first meeting and fighting an insect individual) “Stay away from me!... You speak the ancient language, right?! I am not your enemy, even if I am human!”
3. (when fighting another insect individual) “I know you understand me! Talking solves problems, weapons create them! Stop now!"
4. (during the duel with the elite insect warrior) “You are a strong opponent. Even if I lose, my honor will not suffer!”
5. (in a chance encounter with a Domsulo border guard) “I wish no harm! You confuse me with others!”
Game Design Project (in progress)


Game Design Project (in progress)
