AJ Dempsey's profile

Ledge | Laze Pillow Connected TV Ad

Laze Pillow Connected TV Ad

Platform: TV Scientific https://www.tvscientific.com/

This is an awareness campaign for a premium product The Laze Pillow https://ledgeloungers.com/products/laze-pillow/. 

There are competitors, but none are as well-built, well-rated, or as expensive as ours. Pool industry and outdoor design pros have called it the "Pool float of the year" and the "Cadillac of pool floats" and we were fortunate to have several pattern releases that literally sold out in minutes.

Our target audience is a college-educated woman with a home in the suburbs. She's a mom, a friend, a gracious host, a tastemaker, she cares about details, and she doesn't want to waste time with setup/assembly/care, so she can focus on being present in the moment with her friends and family. She loves to entertain, and while she'd never say it, she IS the Jones' that her friends and neighbors aspire to be.

Ledge | Laze Pillow Connected TV Ad


Ledge | Laze Pillow Connected TV Ad
