Emma Vogt's profile

Pen Tool Bootcamp (beginning in Illustrator)

Pen Tool Bootcamp:
My Personal Four Favorites:
This is the first illustration assignment I ever did in Adobe Illustrator, and let me tell you, it is a true testament to how you should never give up on something positive you know you could one day love. This was my first experience using the pen tool and I could NOT figure it out for the life of me. The due date on this project was approaching fast and I was beyond stressed, overwhelmed, and defeated. However, one emotional breakdown to my mom about what I am going to do with my life if I cannot even figure out the pen tool, some very encouraging words from her, a few much needed prayers, and a snack later, I sat down and figured it out. After watching a few more tutorials and putting them into practice, it eventually clicked for me and I actually started to enjoy it. I know the fruit above is not fancy, but a lot of hard work and emotional energy went into them. 

In addition to learning the pen tool, I began gaining experience working in illustrator, a software I have already grown to be a fan of. I also have picked up some illustration tips along the way. For example, to add detail and interest to an illustrated work, figure out some basic shadows and highlights (like the little marks of white scattered on the above fruit). This really makes a world of difference! 
Pen Tool Bootcamp (beginning in Illustrator)

Pen Tool Bootcamp (beginning in Illustrator)


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