My Mission/Vision Statement: "To create a line of clothing that people will find comfortable... Along with creating a Fashion brand in a reasonable amount of time (Maybe 2-3 Years, depending on if anything major happens to delay that desired Time-Goal).
Brand Goal: To create comfortable clothing for people, so they feel comfortable about their fashion/clothing ideas, along with how clothes feel on their body!
My Target Audience: Teenagers/Young Adults (around 16-23 years of age)
Problem Statement: "People complaining about the type of Material of the clothing item they're wearing!" "Along with some members of the LGBTQ+ community complaining about not finding clothing items that match their gender identity/sexuality!"

Solution Statement: "I'll be able to create fashion/clothing items... That will not only be comfortable and solve people's needs of complaining about wearing uncomfortable clothing... But also give LGBTQ+ people clothing that will match their Gender/Sexuality!"

