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Alien Landscapes VI

There are places in this universe that are very different from the planet you and I inhabit. Take, for example, the planet Hallowa in NGC 5194 (the Whirlpool Galaxy). Hallowa's sun produces very little visible light but produces a lot of long-wave UV light. Hallowa has a natural abundance of fluorescent minerals. So instead of evolving eyes that can see in UV, life forms on Hallowa have evolved fluorescent pigments and eyes that can see visible light.

The first time that a Hallowan scientist produced colors from normal visible light, the people were entranced. Soon these artificial colors, called "durescent colors", were used on everything. Once the initial fad died down, "durescent colors" became a thing of pre-adolescent girls—purses, stickers, high tops, hair barrettes, etc. The standard fluorescent colors were used by more mature, sophisticated individuals.

These illustrations were drawn using Stable Diffusion 2.1.
Alien Landscapes VI