The Project
This project post displays two separate projects together, due to them being very similar in how they were created and in how they look.
Note that I have not made proper scans of these pieces YET.
The Idea
For the two sketches above, I intended to draw different scenes using depth as a tool to make said scenes appear to be three-dimensional. It is very similar to my last project in this way, however angles are taken more into account here instead of movement. 

The Process​​​​​​​
Above lies the quick thumbnails I drew to communicate my five potential sketches. 
- The top left idea is meant to be street going off to the side at an angle with plant life and     streetlights placed in increments alongside it. These objects would decrease in size as       the road drifted further away from the viewpoint. 

- The top middle idea depicts a road piercing a mountainside via a tunnel and coming out     of the side of the mountain further back.
- The top right idea shows two mountains at an angle, with one further back from the             other whilst also lying in front of the sun. 

- The bottom left idea displays two holes in the dirt, with dotted lines emphasizing the           depth that they would have. On the sides of said holes lies piles of dirt; one of which is       stabbed by a shovel.

- The final and bottom right idea exhibits an archer hunting a deer from behind a bush. 
   The deer stands in front of a tree, with its head turned towards the archer.

I chose the top middle and the bottom right ideas because they had the most detail and because the archer would be a challenge to draw. I wanted to improve drawing humanoid figures, and sketching out someone pulling a bow string was a fun and ambitious way of doing so.
         My rough drafts were visibly drawn very lightly to ensure that any mistakes could be mended. I had two different approaches when creating these two sketches. The left sketch had basic outlines, with few to no lines in the middle of shapes for detailing. With the right sketch, I hatched and cross-hatched anywhere that felt necessary regarding the materials of the objects depicted. The tree bark has hatching that creates points, while the grass all curves up to the side to imply that wind is present. Trees and bushes have curves in the foliage to mimic leaf chunks, different branches of leaves, etc.
         Before tracing my lines with dark micron pens, I made some slight adjustments. More detailing was added to the left image to make the mountains appear less flat, allude to movement in the water, depict a material being used in the bridge's construction, plus patches of grass were added. The right image got the same treatment in regards to the mountains.
         Finally, I traced my lines with micron pens. Lines that should appear closer to the viewpoint were traced with micron pens with larger points while the opposite was done for lines that should appear farther away. With that, the first project was done.
Note that the final pieces are at the top of the page.
Note that I have not made proper scans of this project YET.
The Idea
The idea behind this project was to create a piece that transitioned across a long horizontal canvas (the four pages); however, a theme had to be employed throughout the entire piece. While it may not be immediately apparent as to what the theme right away, the below thumbnail I created should shine some light onto what the piece is about.


         Both thumbnails are about evolution in some aspect, with the top idea being about technological evolution and the bottom being about the natural version. 
         This piece was almost perfectly made the same way that the previous pieces were, except that I rejected the style of detailing that the archery piece used in favor of the less cluttered style of the tunnel piece. I did reference the deer from that piece here though. 
         When the four sheets were fully sketched and traced over with micron pens, I placed tape on the backs of the sheets and linked them together that way.

Above is a related sketch I drew with the same tools and practices that were used for the above projects.
Depth Drawings

Depth Drawings
