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Poster Design for Play

Project | Shakespeare Poster

For this project, we had to design two different posters for an upcoming play from Shakespeare. Both posters will advertise the play using the same basic information. 

Poster One: Symbol. 
Create a poster using symbols. All images must be self-generated. You are encouraged to be inventive. 

Poster Two: Typography Concept.
 Use only typography to design this poster. Define a concept and use type to communicate that idea.

Mockup Images by lucecitavectors on Freepik. Poster design by Stephanie Jimenez

This was the first time I had ever created a poster and it was a huge learning curve. I am happy with the results considering I was a novice at the time.

Below are some pictures of other ideas I had and the design process.

Poster Design for Play


Poster Design for Play
