Life in Miniature
The goal was to create a dynamic scene captured using photographic techniques. Below lies the process that transpired to create a collection of four photographs that tell a single story. The concept is lovers on the run in uncertain times.
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
The concept is a story about lovers on the run and the theme is a dystopic romance.

The story kicks off with lovers being chased by the governing force of that particular city. The black infinity background accompanied by a main light sets a dark tone for the scene(s). Medium distance used for lighting increased the darkness of the shadows and rule of thirds helps guide eyes towards silhouette of partners running.

Scene 2 is a war for power. The Dutch tilt allows a feeling of unease and chaos to be generated and allows for static imagery to feel as if there is motion and rule of thirds allows eyes to focus on subject of composition. The orange light  coming in from left of composition, symbolizes a change and subtly emphasizes the felling of danger. The barricades in the scene are not only used for cover in the scene but symbolize the barricades being breached in terms of power in the story, hence orange for change.

Scene 3 takes place after burial of the lover. The composition of the grave was inspired by Viking burials. Added; the weapon to represent the reason for life lost, the white flowers to represent honor, peace, innocence and rocks for base as it represents loss of strength generated by relationship. Rule of thirds allows pace in composition for the feeling of loss while maintaining focus on subject. The blue lighting makes composition feel cold and generates feeling of sadness.

The final scene is where the living partner is longing for his deceased partner and is contemplating whether the climb to the top was worth it. The crown and thrown represent the power gained. The white flowers represent the purity of the intent that led to this dark situation and to serve as visual link to previous scene. Used a spot light to create increased dark space to symbolize a dark time. The slightly raised angle increases the vulnerability of the moment. His posture accompanied by the silhouette of the shadow create a feeling of loneliness and longing.

Thanks for taking time to view!
Life In Miniature

Life In Miniature
