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COWAY 있다 없으니까

있다 없으니까 (2021)
‘있다 없으니까’는 인간 vs 기계 콘셉트의 유튜브 예능으로
크리에이터 3인과 COWAY사의 기계가 대결하는 방송입니다.

"'있다 없으니까t' is a YouTube entertainment program that features a concept of competition between humans and machines. In this show, three YouTube creators and machines from COWAY corporation compete against each other

주로 실내에 배치되는 COWAY 회사 제품 기기들과, 기계와 인간의 대결 구도에서 모티브를 가져와서
디자인 컨셉을 Grid, Box, VS(대결구도)로 잡았습니다.
오프닝 시퀀스 역시 유튜브 크리에이터들과 제품들이 한 공간에서 대결하는 방송의 느낌을 보여주고자 했습니다.

The design concept for the program was based on the motifs of COWAY's products, which are mainly used indoors, and the competition between humans and machines, and was expressed through the Grid, Box, and VS (competition) layouts. The opening sequence was also designed to showcase the feeling of a competition between the YouTube creators and the products in the same space.
Subtitle Design
(C) MNB & COWAY All Rights Reserved.​​​​​​​
COWAY 있다 없으니까

COWAY 있다 없으니까
