Color Studies
This short color study project was designed to understand the relationship between colors, and how you can interpret information differently by using different techniques and styles.
The original photo used in reference, by Julissa Helmuth.
Monochrome - I painted this version primarily with greens, using a variety of 
tints, shades and tones.
Complementary - I added a splash of cranberry to this version! I also enjoyed these brushes the most. I kept my greens stuck to the lighter areas, and the purples to 
darker spaces.
Split-Complementary - It starts to get a bit crazy here. I explored more brushes and added a few more colors to achieve a split-complement color study.
Tetrad - Here, we're using four corners of the color spectrum. And of course, explored and used a different set of brushes for this final study.
Color Studies

Color Studies


Creative Fields