Inventory study
This is an inventory study that I did in April of 2020 during a class at Southern New Hampshire University. 

This inventory system incorporates a stat system for a player, pickup-able items, an inventory screen that can be navigated as well as equip-able items that can be easily made in-editor. This demonstrates a lot of important skills and has aspects that can be used in many different situations in development.

There was a lot to learn during the development of this as I'd never made an inventory system before, I have never worked with Unity's ScriptableObject class, and I had never created a character with equip slots. I ran into problems with objects being able to display their pictures, crashes regarding missing or unhandled arguments, and determining how to handle movement along the inventory so it worked intuitively. In the polishing process I made improvements to how information is handled as well as overrides that could allow information of the item to be passed to the player in as little as one byte of information.
Inventory Study

Inventory Study
