
Brand Overview

Konverter is a global decentralized cryptocurrency exchange representing Korea in the Web3 era.
It holds reliability, convenience, and stability as its core brand values.

Offering high capital efficiency through a complex AMM approach and low transaction fees, it provides an optimal swap method for each token. These brand values are reflected in Konverter’s brand personality and visuals.

Brand assets are essential elements that constitute Konverter’s identity, including logos, typography, colors, and graphic motifs. Based on these brand assets, a systematic brand system has been established for consistent brand management.

Design Concept
The minimally symbolized alphabet "N" is the gateway to the supply of liquidity 
in the DeFi ecosystem, which means a window to high crypto asset returns, It is designed so that brand identity can be applied flexibly in various media.

Graphic Motif
Graphic motifs are designed to extend Konverter Gateway symbol images. Based on keywords that reflect brand value, the expanded graphic motif enriches the brand image, creates a sense of brand unity internally and externally, and delivers a consistent image.

Graphic Motif Usage A
Graphic motifs are sized based on the amount and layout of the text.
Size 6/12 or larger is recommended, and graphic motifs are placed according to the grid.

Graphic Motif Usage B
The graphic motif acts as a plate-like frame and its size is determined by its aspect ratio.
Apply to ensure consistent thickness based on 1/12 vertical size.

KVT Token Symbol
The symbol serves to convey the consistent brand image of KVT Token. 
KVT Token's unique identity is most accurately communicated and applied to all media first.

Illustration style 
Illustrations can be used to convey abstract scenarios and metaphors that may not be possible to express through images alone. It uses a basic palette of primary colors and only basic shades, and uses structured lines and geometric shapes to emphasize precision.

Konverter Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange
Brand Identity Development

Jul. 2022 ― Aug. 2022

Creative Director: Minhan Youn
Brand Design Lead: Donghun Kim
Brand Design: Jaesik Woo, Hyeri Yoon​​​​​​​
Motion Design Lead: ​​​​​​​Jiill Ryu
Motion Design: Jinho Song, Yura Jae, Gunyoung Kim, Jihye Kong, 

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