Geninvo Technologies's profile

Synthetic Data Generation for Clinical Trials

Synthetic Data Generation for Clinical Trials
Geninvo introduces Datalution, an all-in-one solution for generating synthetic data for testing electronic data capture screens, data management activities, and statistical setup activities. Datalution generates meaningful synthetic data that simulates real-world scenarios and helps researchers to test CDISC (SDTM) dataset generation programs, data visualizations, and TFL (Tables, Figures, and Listings) generation programs under a wide range of conditions. It provides customizable data generation, supports various data types, and generates statistically representative data to test delivery programs accurately. With Datalution, researchers can identify and fix potential issues before processing real data from clinical trials, minimizing the time to begin analysis/review of the data.
Synthetic Data Generation for Clinical Trials

Synthetic Data Generation for Clinical Trials


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